Sr. Ana María Echeverri: Named "Caldense of the Year 2019"

on 21 Jul, 2020
Hits: 3966

Manizales (Colombia), 07/21/2020, Srs. Province of Manizales.- Since 1976, La Patria, newspaper has been giving an award called "El Caldense del Año" (Caldense of the year, Caldense means a native of Caldas) to a person who has lived at least ten years in this department and is distinguished by his/her contribution to the social and economic sector.

Among the 30 candidates nominated, Sister Ana Maria Echeverri Jaramillo, a Dominican Sister of the Presentation from the Province of Manizales, was awarded with “La Caldense del año 2019". Sr. Ana María responds to the call and the mission of the Dominican Charism of our Foundress, Marie Poussepin with an organized Charity which is read, understood and assumed from life accompanied with her acts of mercy and her very being that allows us to contemplate God’s involvement in the life of each person who approaches her.

Image of God's goodness and charity among us

Currently, she is the legal representative of the "Obras Sociales Betania" (Social Works Betany) Foundation, through which she managed to construct 270 apartments in “San Sebastian de Betania”, 180 houses in “La Cumbre”, 140 apartments in “Mirador de Betania”, 76 apartments in “Towers of the Presentation” and she is currently leading a Project called “Mirador del Sagrado Corazón”. Sr. Ana Maria makes sure that the beneficiaries of her project are people who are really in need of having a decent housing to improve their quality of life at a cost within their reach. In addition, her project benefits 220 elderly people in the districts of San Sebastian and Solferino. With her collaborators she coordinates the distribution of 7000 free medicines per month, among other activities in favor of the neediest. She assures the fidelity of this mission, carried out with love, mysticism, discipline, mercy and dedication to those most loved by the Lord: the poor.

We are happy to reecho this recognition of our sister given by the people of Caldas for the good that she does to the neediest. We are inspired by her creative audacity and service of charity in response to the reality of the people. Sr. Ana Maria, following the example of our Mother Foundress, has been the instrument of the Providence for the homeless. We pray for her and for her team in the "Obras Sociales Betania" so that they can continue this praiseworthy mission.