Prayer requests

on 03 Aug, 2020
Hits: 3065

France / Philippines, 08/03/2020.- Two prayer requests come to us from France and the Philippines.

From France

A letter from Sables d'Olonne in Vendée (France) requesting intercession of Marie Poussepin, June 24, 2020.

Dear Sisters in Jesus Christ,

During my stay in your house in Lourdes last October 2019, one of you gave me an image of Blessed Marie Poussepin, telling us that a miracle was needed for your Foundress to be recognized as a Saint by the Church. Through this letter, I ask you to please join me with your prayers and beg Marie Poussepin to obtain from God the healing of my Granddaughter who is due to be born at the end of August or beginning of September 2020.

This baby is detected with an abnormality in the left hemisphere of the brain according to ultrasound results. She should therefore have epileptic seizures which will be very strong and also probably other problems such as delayed speech. My son and the child’s mom are very upset as parents to receive such information. I try to give them a Catholic view on this ordeal since we know that God only allows what we can endure with the help of his grace. My son had religious training but lives according to the times and is in a relationship with the mother-to-be. They have a 2-year-old baby boy and were very happy to welcome a baby girl now. Their son is baptized. So there is a glimmer of Faith in this home so I encourage them to pray and I urged them to implore the intercession of Marie Poussepin.

I am convinced of the communion of Saints and of its effectiveness, I believe that Marie Poussepin must rejoice in having a mission to help the afflicted on earth, she who applied herself to it during her stay here below. I entrust this intention to her and I thank you very sincerely for your prayers to your Foundress, for the glory of God. God tests those whom He loves, which is our source of comfort. But He is also the Comforter, The Almighty, hence we request for a miraculous healing for this unborn little girl. Marie Poussepin, who prayed in the sacred land of Lourdes, obtain for us this healing, without difficulties, full and complete health so that the Church can proclaim her Holy!

I will keep you updated on the situation in the months to come. I have registered for a stay in Lourdes in your house on the Feast of Christ the King (October 2020), I wish you a good summer.

In union of prayers and very sincerely,

M. A. Socquet Juglard

From Philippines

Sr. Ruby Claire Pulickal - Malibay Community, Philippines, July 5, 2020.ZyrusZyrus

Request for prayers for Zyrus Magdamit through the intercession of Blessed Marie Poussepin. We, the sisters of the community of Malibay, Philippines are requesting your prayers for the complete healing of a little boy called Zyrus Magdamit suffering from an Interstitial lung disease in our neighborhood. In this year of grace, let us pray for Zyrus with one heart and mind with deep faith through the intercession of Blessed Marie Poussepin.

Mrs. Aireen Toledo Magdamit, mother of Zyrus Magdamit writes the following:

“I am Mrs. Aireen Toledo Magdamit, 31 years old, married to Mr. Salvador T Magdamit. We have two children, Zyrin of 12 years and Zyrus of 10 years. We are originally from the Bicol Region of Philippines, 274 kilometers away from Manila and we came to Manila in search of a job and settled here in 2001. We were married in 2008 and Zyrus was born in 2010, a healthy little boy. In 2013, when he was 3 years, we had to take him to the hospital due to some physical ailment. On our first visit, the doctors found that our little boy is suffering from a chronic lung disease called Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) and as a result his lungs look like a rotten tomato. We were terribly upset with this news.

In 2014, we came and settled down in Maricaban, 180 Barangay (barrio), very close to Malibay. It is here that we met Dominican Sisters of the Presentation in their mission. Their little Clinic, Marie Poussepin Care Center is situated in our Barangay and they offer their services through this health center. We experienced the care and love of the sisters though they were not Filipinos.
Sisters visited our family, helped us, prayed with us and encouraged us not to lose hope in God. Sr. Ruby introduced us to Blessed Marie Poussepin in 2016. Sisters offered medical support to Zyrus as he continuously needs supplemental oxygen. Several times Zyrus had to be hospitalized as his health was not stable. Doctors did not give us much hope. He needs to take medicines and provide additional oxygen as long as he lives.

Financially we were struggling too. But our faith kept us strong that our prayer will be answered one day. Lately in December 2019 he was admitted again and consequently in February 2020. On February 8 he was in a coma and we rushed him to the hospital. I thought that he might die as the doctors incubated him and put him on a ventilator support. We were constantly praying to Marie Poussepin asking God “to extend the life of our son, to let us take care of him and show him our love for a long time”. Suddenly Doctors heard his heart beat again and we felt that our prayers were answered. We did not lose hope and we believed that our prayer will be heard and Zyrus will live a normal life just like any other kids. After 20 days he was discharged from the hospital and we brought him home happily. We have full of hope that Zyrus will be healed completely and live a normal life through the intercession of Marie Poussepin”.

Zyrus still needs oxygen supplement continuously and some medications to maintain his health. He is not yet fully healed and so the family request for our prayers with great faith in the intercession of Marie Poussepin. Doctors told the family that only a miracle can bring him complete healing. Medical science is only able to prolong his life. Since February 2020, he has not gone back to the hospital as his condition is stable. From Marie Poussepin Care centre, we offer him a small amount of money monthly for his medical expenses. We believe that Marie Poussepin continue to assist the sick and accompany the suffering persons today. If all of us pray together for Zyrus, I am sure she will intercede, God will work a miracle, offer him good health and bring joy to this young family.

In gratitude,

Malibay Community, Philippines.