Joyful celebrations in India

on 01 Sep, 2020
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Bangalore (India), 09/01/2020, Sr. Reetha Mechery.- During this year of grace of the Beatification of Our Mother Foundress, I am happy and grateful to share with you about some special moments of solemn and beautiful celebrations that the Province of India had in different communities. It wasn’t quite easy to organize them as we had to follow the Covid 19 protocols.

The Beginning of Postulancy

On July 13, 2020 at 6.30 pm, the beginning of postulancy of Amali Josephine, Flora Agnes, Archana Minz and Sujitha R was celebrated during a special prayer service with the theme, ‘Call to live in Him, with Him and for Him’ in the Postulancy Community, Mysore.The presence of Sr. Deepa Moonjely, our Provincial Superior, Sisters of the postulancy community and the Sisters who accompanied them to Mysore added joy and color. As the complete lock – down was lifted at the end of May in Karnataka state, we could celebrate this event without having to go through the quarantine.

Beginning of postulancy of Archana Minz, Flora Agnes, Sujitha R. and Amali JosephineBeginning of postulancy of Archana Minz, Flora Agnes, Sujitha R. and Amali Josephine

The Entrance to the Novitiate

July 31, 2020 was an important day for Munika Dang, Rekha Kujur and Salmi Toppo, our three postulants, as they expressed their desire to answer the call of the Lord, by entering novitiate and were accepted by Sr. Deepa Moonjely, our Provincial Superior in the presence of the novitiate community and two other communities of Bangalore. This new stage of initial formation will enable them to have a deeper experience of God in silence, solitude, prayer and interiority. “The Rule of Sainville” and the “Constitutions” that they received, spoke to them of the need to internalize the spirit of the Congregation. With the theme, “You are a Precious Pearl” they began in joy and gratitude their journey into the sea of Novitiate to discover the precious pearl personally in religious life according to the charism of our foundress Blessed Marie Poussepin.

Entrance to novitiate of Munika Dang, Rekha Kujur and Salmi ToppoEntrance to novitiate of Munika Dang, Rekha Kujur and Salmi Toppo

The Renewal of Religious Profession

May 31, 2020 was a very special day for Sr. Anima Tirkey, Sr. Laly L. and Sr. Mousumi Kerketta, three of our Sisters of Temporary Profession, as they renewed their religious profession during the Eucharistic celebration in their own communities in Duliajan, Provincial House in Bangalore, and Dalmadih respectively. Sr. Deepa Moonjely, Provincial Superior, Sr. Kochuthresia Myalil and Sr. Anney Maniyamkotte, local superiors received the renewal of Profession of Sr. Laly, Sr. Anima and Sr. Mousumi respectively. They had the joy of renewing their profession in the presence of the sisters of their community, even though they missed the opportunity to come together as a group to the Provincial House, have a time of preparation and celebrate their renewal together.

Sr. Anima Tirkey Sr. Anima Tirkey  Sr. Laly Sr. Laly  Sr. Mousoumi Sr. Mousoumi

Perpetual Profession

August 8, 2020, the feast of St. Dominic was a very joyful and grace-filled day as Sr. Jinfy Kalappurackal, Sr. Mamata Rajni Oram, Sr. Reeja A, Sr. Saroj Tete and Sr. Selina Kumblamthanath made their Perpetual Profession in the Provincial House chapel in the presence of our Sisters from the four communities in Bangalore.

His Grace, Rev. Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, the main celebrant for the Eucharistic celebration, began his homily by joking that they will be known as COVID Dominican Sisters and then, proceeded to explain the significance of the celebration by comparing it to “the salt of the earth” mentioned in the Gospel reading. “I can summarize it in two words. It is nothing and it is everything. It is nothing because those whom you are thinking as counted in your life – your parents, family, friends, Sisters…are not here. It is not a big celebration. But God in His silence is accepting your vows. Because He is the one who matters and He is everything for you, you are happy. Whether you make it in front of 1000, or 10000 people, or you make it alone with Jesus, it does not matter. Ultimately, Jesus is the one who gives answers and responses to you.”

Perpetual Profession Sr. Jinfy Kalappurackal, Sr. Mamata Rajni Oram, Sr. Reeja A., Sr. Selina Kumblamthanath and Sr. Saroj TetePerpetual Profession Sr. Jinfy Kalappurackal, Sr. Mamata Rajni Oram, Sr. Reeja A., Sr. Selina Kumblamthanath and Sr. Saroj Tete

After the solemn litany to the saints, they made their perpetual profession. Even though they missed the physical presence of their parents, family members, friends and Sisters from their own communities, they felt their presence closely, as the live streaming of the ceremony in You tube made it possible for everyone to participate in it from afar as well.

Since all the journeys, time for quarantine, arrivals, departures, sessions, retreat etc. were so well planned and since everyone was open to take the necessary risks and make some sacrifices, we were able to have this beautiful celebration.

Congratulations to our new Postulants, new Novices, Sisters who Renewed their Profession and Sisters who made their Perpetual Profession! THANK YOU to our Superior General and her Council, Provincial Superior and her Council, our Aspirant Mistress, Postulant Mistress, Novice Mistress, Sister in charge of Sisters of Temporary Profession and Local Superiors of our Sisters of Temporary Profession! We are grateful to all the Sisters of the Congregation for their love and prayerful support.