First colloquium on the person of Dominic de Guzman

on 21 May, 2021
Hits: 2130

Tours (France), 05/21/2021, Sr. Rosario Amelia Garcés del Castillo.- With the sensation of being in a large hall that encompassed the entire planet, the first of three colloquiums planned to celebrate this Jubilee year of the Dies Natalis of St. Dominic and the 325th anniversary of the foundation of the Congregation began on May 18. For the first time, the Zoom platform acquired by the General Government was used to facilitate this type of meeting, in which Sisters from the four continents were able to participate, thanks to the simultaneous translation.

Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General, in her words of greeting to the Sisters, emphasized that this first experience at the level of the whole Congregation was an opportunity to increase our fraternity and communion, through these means that technology offers us. The joy of meeting many Sisters together was a characteristic note of this event, in which there were 325 connections. Dominic: Preaching, a way of being a friend of men and women was the title used by Sr. Anne Lécu to present her conference. You will find the whole text of the conference attached.

The next meeting is scheduled for 26th June at 15h Central European Time.


Dominic de Guzman shed light and inspired the project of Marie Poussepin and today both of them continue to strengthen the spirituality of the Congregation

Santafé de Bogotá (Colombia), 05/21/2021, Sr. Laura Inés Niño Martínez.- We consider it a wonderful idea to organize Colloquiums on the figure of St. Dominic to mark the occasion of the eighth centenary of his death and the 325 years of foundation of our Congregation. The first colloquium scheduled on May 18 achieved successfully. Thanks to the preparation of its content, methodology, good translation and the invitation sent to all the structures of the Congregation by the commission for Social Means of Communications.

Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General opened the colloquium by the greeting the whole Congregation and motivating all to participate in all of them. Sr. Anne Lécu OP. of the Province of France, presented the central theme on the life of St. Dominic of Guzman in an admirable way. In the first place she highlighted his capacity to build relationships, live fraternity and maintain friendship; he loved everyone and was loved by everyone. In the same manner, she spoke about his testimony of life as a preacher of truth, for him preaching was for the salvation of souls. Dominic de Guzman shed light and inspired the project of Marie Poussepin and today both of them continue to strengthen the spirituality of the Congregation.

This gathering was very valuable and touching. It brought together members of the whole Congregation online, approximately 235, for the first time.  Our joy was multiplied each time one more sister got connected.  The colloquium left each participant with an appreciation for Dominican spirituality and the joy of being with our family. 

Sr. Anne Lécu: "Dominic is first of all a man of friendship. He loves the world; he loves the people; he loves his sisters and brothers."

- Download conference in PDF (translated into English):
St. Dominic - Sr. Anne Lécu Download

- Read "Libellus" of Jordan of Saxony (click here).