II Meeting of the Delegates of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation at the Congregational level

on 16 Sep, 2021
Hits: 1857

Bucaramanga (Colombia), 09/16/2021, Sr. María Eugenia Ardila Rueda, delegada JPIC Provincia de Bucaramanga.- On August 30, at 3:00 p.m. (Rome), the JPIC delegates and few sisters from different structures of the Congregation gathered for a second international online meeting. We were 33 sisters.

Sr. Mariamma Paul Ollukaran, General Councilor and Sr.  Jacintha Gracy Miranda, JPIC Coordinator for the Congregation welcomed us with words of encouragement.

Presentation of a video, showing numerous activities in line with Laudato Si’ implemented in different structures welcomed us as we got connected.  Sr. Olga Botia, from the Province of Santafé, directed the opening prayer, by which we were invited to be bread broken and shared for the world, with a special emphasis in this year as we celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Dies Natalis of our Father Saint Dominic.

Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General, in her address, underlined how this meeting has put us in tune with the spirit of the encyclical Laudato Sí’, and the different aspects that the Church and Pope Francis propose to advance in the ecological conversion that the 55th General Chapter has recommended us.

Among the objectives of this meeting were to continue to strengthen our bonds of collaboration and to search together to create a first draft for a possible 7-year Laudato Si roll out plan for our Congregation.

Each structure presented their work of JPIC over the past two years, and their progress in the study of Laudato Si. Different suggestions for a logo for JPIC that had been requested earlier was displayed on power point and in a creative dynamic, each sister voted to choose one among many. 

Suggestion to meet by groups according to language, organize a plan of work for seven years and to continue to work as teams, taking into account the processes that each structure moves forward were the concluding remarks of this meeting.

Sr. Jacintha thanked the sisters for their presence at this meeting and Sr. Pascaline Bilgo, from the Province of France, invited us to join a final prayer to mark the conclusion of our meeting.