Family is grateful to the Congregation

on 19 Sep, 2021
Hits: 1754

Rome (Italy), 09/19/2021, Centra Family: Matteo, Sara and Sofia.- To all Dominican Sisters of the Presentation: Our little warrior Sofia, (you already know her because your sisters welcomed us, since December 2020, in the little house next to the Valdieri House in Rome) is almost three years old, is still facing many battles in life.

In particular, during this period, she had some health problems that we are in the process of overcoming, but that force us to stay in the hospital till now. The positive thing is that Sofia is undergoing all the appropriate analysis to be able to register her name on the list for a future kidney and liver transplant. This makes us happy, deep down in our hearts we hope that this dream will really come true, but at the same time we are aware that the road is long. As a mother, I will also undergo a series of investigations to find out if I am compatible with her to be able to give her the organs that she needs. Being conscious of all that  I have to face, scares me so much, even though I love my daughter infinitely.

To all the sisters near and far, we will never find the right words to thank you. Your hospitality means so much to those who live in a situation like ours, a life suspended in waiting. You, with your gestures of hospitality and affection are making everything easier for us. It is easy to lose FAITH in these circumstances of our life, but then we think that if we have come to know the sisters, they have been sent by the Lord to guide us and to remind us that He is always present and is close to us in our ILLNESS.

We do not know what will be our future and what the Lord will decide for us, but we know that we will carry you as memory in our hearts forever, because in the moments of our DARKNESS you have been our LIGHT.

THANK YOU because you constantly present our family to the Lord in your prayers.

Thank You Sisters, Centra Family.