Guadalupe: The Mercy in the accompaniment

on 01 Mar, 2016
Hits: 5533
Mexico D. F., 03/01/2016, Sr. Carol Cruz Meza.- In an atmosphere of joy and closeness, the first meeting of sisters of temporary profession in 2016 was held in the provincial house on 28 and 29 February. It was a space to clarify doubts, understand the meaning of real accompaniment and share its implications in our lives. Sr. Janet Ceja Sáenz, Provincial Superior, and Sr. Martha Mendieta Aztatzi, were in charge of guiding our reflections and help us deepen on this subject, which is very essential in our communities.

Provincia de Guadalupe: primer encuentro de hermanas de profesión temporal del 2016Provincia de Guadalupe: primer encuentro de hermanas de profesión temporal del 2016We found that selfishness, backbiting, rigid regular life are real enemies of accompaniment that should be lived with mercy. These will lead us to live a sterile religious life rejecting to be a prophetic community. Letting ourselves be accompanied will lead to mutual growth, because not only the person who is accompanied grows but also the one who accompanies; if we ask for mercy we need to offer mercy, for this we must strive to be friendly, affable and learn to love. This meeting is an invitation to rethink our way of looking at the accompaniment and especially to learn to live this as a source of growth, accepting it with the eyes of faith. Mercy in the accompaniment is lived in community because we are all responsible for the growth of our sisters. It is a challenge to live mercy in fidelity to live our identity through mutual accompaniment to be a prophetic community. Entrusting ourselves to the protection and maternal intercession of Mary we finished our meeting full of hope and joy acknowledging the Lord's faithfulness in our lives.