Hear the cry of all those tossed by the waves of life

on 31 Jan, 2022
Hits: 1551

Malibay, Philippines, 12/18/2021, Sr. Ruby Clare Pulickal, JPIC delegate.- Pope Francis urges all men and women of goodwill to ask for the grace to hear the cry of all those tossed by the waves of life: the cry of the poor. Listening to this cry is not just an expression of pain but also an appeal to responsibility. It offers us the grace to listen to the voices of the poor and to reflect on the precariousness of their lives and respond to it going out of ourselves.

The sisters of the communities of Songkoy and Malibay in the Philippines, not only listened to the cry of starving children but acted quickly making use of the various opportunities in collaboration with the Dominican Friars and many benefactors. Our focus was specifically on children who have become far more vulnerable with the impact of the pandemic. Deprived of their school and social activities, they are bound within the premises of their little homes. The cry of the hungry children though very strong are mostly unheard by their parents who are unable to offer all that they need. This sad reality around us is relentless and we cannot but stretch out our hands to feed them. With the help of benefactors and volunteers we were able to feed nearly 700 children during Christmas.

On December 29, 2021, Fr. Boyd Sulpico OP, the Provincial Treasurer of the Province of Philippines came to meet the children of the Malibay locality. There were around 200 children from the low income families. He prayed over them, blessed them and offered them food packets. It was a moving experience to see the light of joy and gratitude reflected on their innocent faces. The effect of the pandemic has paralyzed the life of ordinary people who struggle daily to support themselves. We try to walk with them, feel their mental, emotional and physical pain and stretch out our hands to support them. We are so blessed with many generous hearts who support us as “God will not fail to grant you all that you need, provided that you conduct yourself in a manner worthy of obtaining it.” (Marie Poussepin).