Universidad Católica de Manizales enters to international ranking of social responsibility

on 30 Mar, 2022
Hits: 1072

Bogotá (Colombia), 03/30/2022, UCM Communications.- The International Federation of Catholic Universities -FIUC, through CIRAD (Centre International de Recherche et d'Aide à la Décision), recently notified UCM about the definitive results of the evaluation, by which it obtained the distinction of recognition "University committed to social responsibility".

UCM obtained the distinction of recognition "University committed to social responsibility" 

The Catholic Background for Social Responsibility of Universities - Newman Structure is an evaluation system that measures the current performance of higher education institutions in the world. According to the official communication sent by FIUC, obtaining three quality seals with two stars (Governance, Environment, Social Practices) and one seal with one star (Catholic Identity), represents a remarkable result for UCM in its first evaluation cycle, considering that the Newman Frame of Reference is extremely exhaustive and has become globally an 'ideal', a reference for any Catholic institution. The largest and most recognized Catholic universities around the world have obtained mainly two-star seals; and very few participants have achieved the three-star seal to date.

The framework includes about 160 indicators and 20 criteria grouped into four main areas:

  • Institutional governance.
  • Environmental protection efforts.
  • The university's practices as an employer and in implementing its three missions.
  • Overall consistency with respect to institutional identity.
The evaluation and prospective system is dynamic and respectful of the diversity of the contexts in which the institutions are located. During 2021-II, the rector's office team, the vice rector's offices, the directorates of substantive functions and the responsible of units, in a coordinated institutional effort, compiled evidence of the indicators in the four areas mentioned.

The overall result (54.9%) denotes a good performance of the institutional strategy in terms of social responsibility, obtaining the highest score in the area of Environmental Sustainability (60.6%), followed by Social Practices (54.9%), Governance (52%) and Catholic Identity (46.1%).
In these areas the most relevant indicators are:
  • Environmental management and reduction of water, energy and waste.
  • Identification of categories of people at risk of discrimination.
  • Existence of specific activities to promote tolerance and respect among students from different backgrounds.
  • Management of social responsibility associated with the three missions.
  • Training on fraud prevention.

Carolina Olaya Álzate, Director of Planning and Evaluation highlights that institutional evaluation in the context of international standards and rankings allows us to be accountable to our sponsors on specific areas related to the deployment of the three mission functions, practices linked to the Catholic identity and a broad set of aspects associated with governance, commitment to environmental protection, inclusion and management of human and financial resources, among others. The incorporation of international standards in the different areas of institutional management has contributed to continuous improvement while at the same time positioning and making us visible. As a result, the institution receives a recognition that allows it to differentiate itself from the IES of its reference group, by promoting principles and practices based on values that are increasingly scarce and, therefore, more appreciated by society.

This recognition, beyond the positioning in rankings, should be interpreted in reference to transparency and the generation of trust (reputation) in a national, regional and global higher education system as a whole.

Cristian Camilo Gutiérrez Restrepo, Director of Quality Department and Rector in charge, emphasizes that it is an important achievement at institutional level that evidences the growing fulfillment of the purposes declared in UCM's profile, incorporating external elements such as the Newman structure of Catholic Reference for the Social Responsibility of Universities and the internal ones that come from the PEU, the teleological context and the strategic platform. This result shows the living of the Congregational Charism, the influence of UCM recognized by the different representatives of society and the good practices around good governance and environmental culture and management.