Love never gives up

on 31 Aug, 2022
Hits: 1176

India, 08/31/2022, Sr. Munika Dang, Sr. Rekha Kujur, Sr. Salmi Toppo and Sr. Godlima Kujur.- Love never gives up. This had been our experience. God’s love is unconditional; He does everything with a purpose and not by accident. He chooses to love us and make us become His followers. We could experience the love of God who had been accompanying us through out these past years and revealing His love through all our sisters.

“How precious is your steadfast love, O God! All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings” (Ps 36: 7)

He loves us as we are, but He loves us enough not to let us stay as we are, but to let us grow in his love every day. We can never respond to His great love and mercy as we ought, but we can consecrate ourselves totally to Him by making our religious commitment.    

We made our First Profession (Sr. Munika, Sr. Rekha and Sr. Salmi) and Perpetual Profession (Sr. Godlima) on Aug. 8, 2022, on the feast of our Father St. Dominic. It was a joyful celebration of the love and faithfulness of God in gratitude. The presence of our sisters, family members, friends and benefactors doubled and tripled our joy. We were privileged to have Msgr. C Francis, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Bangalore as the main celebrant and our parish priests, Dominican brethren and some friends of the Congregation as concelebrants for the Eucharist.

We are very grateful to Almighty God for his love and showers of blessings poured out on us. We are indebted to our Superior General, Sr. Maria Escayola Coris and her council and Sr. Deepa Moonjely, Provincial Superior and her council, for all their acceptance, support, help and encouragement. We remember and thank all our sisters, especially our formators who have helped us all along for all their efforts and sacrifices to help us discover the real pearl, that is Jesus Himself. On the day of our Profession, we could experience all their blessings and prayerful support. The celebration of our Profession was a grace-filled moment of experiencing the presence of the Lord.  We will always cherish His goodness and mercy in calling us to belong to Him totally.

May God bless all of you for everything that you do for the Lord!