XIX Enlarged General Council in Spain

on 01 Apr, 2016
Hits: 4214

Barcelona (Spain), March 31 to April 22, 2016.- “Mercy, Discernment, Communion and Solidarity: the Demands of Mission”. The General Chapter of 2014 invited us to live the present moment, as the 'now' of God, the 'favorable time', in an attitude of discernment, listening and seeking; it asks us to let ourselves be challenged by reality and to respond to the calls of the Church and the world today. As we relook at this invitation, we need to continue to search and walk together, and at the same time, build roads in sincere, fraternal, humble and insistent dialogue.

Accepting to walk into uncertainty, taking risks, with confidence in the Spirit of the Lord, we let ourselves be led by Him. The power of the Word helps us to read the signs of our time, will give us the wisdom to 'understand,' the criterion for discerning what is the Gospel or not, it will prepare, strengthen our responses and give meaning to what we live, to what our people feel and experience. Therefore, our next Enlarged General Council will focus on MISSION as a central theme, a vital need for the present and future of the Congregation.

The EGC, as our Constitutions explains, is a structure of participation... with a vision of the whole, it assists in guiding, planning, and evaluating the work of the Congregation and seeks concrete means to implement its plans (Cf. C 204).

Sr. Maria Escayola,
Superior General


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