Proefessions in the Philippines

on 26 Mar, 2023
Hits: 1302

Songkoy (Philippines), 26/03/2023, Sr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Nga and Sr. Nguyen Thi Le Thuy.- “Here I am Lord, I come to do your will” (Ps 40: 8-9). With these words of the psalmist, we walked in procession into the Parish Church of Cristo Divino Tessoro Parish, Buenlag, accompanied by Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, our Superior General, Sr. Mariamma Paul Ollukaran, Sr. Ana Patricia Londono, General Councilors along with the sisters of the community of Songkoy and Malibay in the Philippines.

His Excellency Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas, OP, DD of Lingayen Dagupan presided over the celebration with Fr. Step Espinoza, our Parish Priest for this unique moment in our life to pray for us and with us with their support, encouragement and love. We feel great joy and immense gratitude to God who gifted us with vocation to religious life, to the universal Church and the Presentation family who welcomed us with a fraternal embrace, and our parents with our dear and near ones who participated spiritually from Vietnam.  Thank you to all who prayed for us, supported us and helped us to reach to the altar and say “Yes” to the Lord.

Our gratitude is extended to all the sisters of the Congregation for your presence through social media and to different structures of the Congregation for your greetings and prayers on this special day of our life.  We remain ever grateful to all of you.