Manizales: Commemoration "150 Years of Charity and Truth in Colombia", the arrival of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation in our country

on 11 Jul, 2023
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Manizales (Colombia), 07/11/2023, Communications Office of the Catholic University of Manizales.- Manizales: Commemoration "150 Years of Charity and Truth in Colombia", the arrival of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation in our country.

Charity and Truth. Congregational seal in the 150 years of presence in Colombia

Round Table: 150 years of Charity and Truth in Colombia

The vocation for charitable service through education, health service, work in the parish and the love for the poorest was what motivated six French Sisters, belonging to the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, to venture across the seas, on a journey that would bring them to our country. The seed of charity and truth that they sowed gave rise to multiple presences in Colombia and then in our continent.

This was one of the slogans of the conversation held at the Catholic University of Manizales on Tuesday, June 20 in person and virtually, as part of the celebration of the 150 years of the arrival of the Congregation in Colombian territory. The meeting had as speakers: Sister Clara de San José from the Province of Bucaramanga, Sr. Carmenza Avellaneda Navas of the Province of Bogotá, Sr. Brisa Yolanda Cárdenas Silva of the Province of Manizales and Sr. Mary Plata Cordero of the Province of Santafé, with the moderation of Dr. Gustavo Arias, UCM Pedagogical Advisor. The response of the communities of the different structures of the Congregation, of the Lay Dominicans Presentation, of the collaborators of the works of the Provinces in Colombia, of friends and our families was great, to all of us, like the disciples of Emmaus, our hearts burned as we toured this part of the history of the Congregation.

With the detailed sharing of the Sisters, the itinerary lived by the 6 French sisters was updated, the seeds of the Dominican charisma of Marie Poussepin that they brought and planted in Colombia, cementing the solidity that during these 150 years the Congregation in our country: An immense past represents an immense future!

Solemn Eucharist

On June 21, the Mass for this sesquicentennial was in the Cathedral Basilica of Manizales, where the Sisters belonging to the communities of: Universidad Católica de Manizales, Presentation Clinic, Betania Social Works Foundation, College of the Presentation Cartago, El Carmelo, Novitiate-Villa Clara, shared the celebration of the Eucharist as a tribute and gratitude for the mission carried out by the Congregation in Colombia during these 150 years. Priests accompanied us, the delegate of the Archbishop of Manizales, some collaborators of the mission, some citizens of Manizales, some people from the business sector, and some partners.

At the end of the liturgical celebration, recognitions were delivered by entities governmental, civil, business, and organizational to the Congregation for its mission in Colombia and its presence in Manizales since 1891.