Middle East: Thanks to the General Government

on 18 Oct, 2023
Hits: 985

Bagdad (Irak), 10/18/2023, Sr. María Ángeles Flores.- The General Canonical Visitation was carried out from September 16 to October 11, 2023, by Sr. María Escayola, Superior General and Sister Ana Patricia Londoño, counselor.

The Sisters were in each of the six missions of the Vice-Province (In Baghdad: San Rafael Hospital; Dominican Sisters of the Presentation School; and Cassa Famiglia. In Duhok “Ange Gardien” University Home. In Basrah Kindergarten and Good Samaritan Brotherhood in Amman (Jordan, the Italian Hospital); plus that which, with said Visit, germinated in Lebanon, specifically in Ghodrass.

The congregational restructuring process in the Middle East has a characteristic rhythm given by the fact that Christians are a minority in this Muslim world and the continued socio-religious hostilities towards Christians and minority groups. The vast intellectual and experiential knowledge of Sr. María Escayola on the topic of Islam and the history of the Vice-Province, as well as the fraternal joy of Sister Ana Patricia, gave hope to today and light to the horizon to reinforce spiritual life, communion and internationality.

The war that the Israeli government declared on Palestine on October 7 puts the entire world on tension and alert, and in particular the Middle East. The sisters once again decide to remain faithful to the people in this painful situation.

Thank you very much dear sisters María Escayola and Ana Patricia Londoño for your fraternal closeness and lucid accompaniment. May God continue to grant you his Holy Spirit to carry out the mission entrusted to you.