Medellín: El Rosario Clinic accredited in health

on 06 Dec, 2023
Hits: 822

Medellín (Colombe), 11/06/2023, Sr. Blanca Aurora Marín Hoyos, coordinator of Humanization and Pastoral at the El Rosario Clinic. - “God has led us here so that we can continue with this great task” Marie Poussepin.

After four years of having begun the path towards National Health Accreditation, the El Rosario Clinic reached its objective, which allows it to strengthen and ensure its presence in the world of health and certify its good practices for the good of the entire community. population it serves.

This process was carried out based on the IPS outpatient and hospital Health Accreditation Manual in Colombia, established by the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC) and the support of some counselors, achieving transformations in care routes, qualifying healthcare, and administrative processes. Likewise, internal evaluation processes were consolidated, and work teams were strengthened, creating synergy between all services.

This qualified performance also generated new measurement methods, new indicators and work metrics, which allowed, based on results, to demonstrate continuous improvement, make informed decisions, maintain user satisfaction at a very high level, respond to demands and needs of the health system, strengthen the culture of a comprehensive, timely, humanized and safe service, in response to the needs of our users, ensuring the permanence and sustainability of the institution.

Among the many aspects that the accreditation team highlighted was the leadership of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin from the Board of Directors, which always believed that the accreditation process promotes a dynamic of change and continuous improvement, reaffirms our philosophy and institutional values and helps us provide timely and effective responses to the specific needs of the historical moment, as Marie Poussepin did in her time.

He also praised the leadership of Sr. Olga Lucía Zuluaga Serna, Administrator of the institution, a creative, innovative and brave person, who saw accreditation as a possible achievement in the short term and an organized, valid and systematic means to advance improvement. continues, to ensure the presence in the world of health, inspired by the strength of the charisma and its capacity to incarnate and respond to the specific needs of each historical moment.

The accreditation event ended with loud applause and congratulations for all the collaborators of the El Rosario Clinic, because this achievement belongs to everyone and for everyone.