Audience with Pope Francis

on 14 Jun, 2024
Hits: 1579

Rome (Italy), 05/06/2024, Community of the General Government.- With the desire to share with Pope Francis about the upcoming 56th General Chapter and to ask for his prayers and support, the community of the General Government requested an audience and although it was not specifically for us, we were given the opportunity to participate having a special place with an opportunity of personally greet the Pope on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

Servizio Fotografico Vaticano (All Rights Reserved - Photo not copyable)Servizio Fotografico Vaticano (All Rights Reserved - Photo not copyable) 

We left the house very early in the morning for this significant event, since as a community, it was the first time we were going to greet the Pope. Standing in line with the people and waiting to enter St. Peter’s Square, we enjoyed every moment of it and prepared ourselves to live this encounter. The catechesis of this audience, inspired by the text of Jn 3:8 "The wind blows where it wills, and you hear its voice, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes: so is everyone who is born of the Spirit", the Pope made us reflect on the name by which the Holy Spirit is called in the Bible, concluding that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, which leads us to live in service and love for others. This same Spirit transforms us into Sons and daughters of God.

After the blessing to all the faithful, Pope Francis greeted those present and it was the occasion to thank him for his service as our Pastor, his commitment for Peace and to inform him about our forthcoming General Chapter, as well as to reiterate our prayer and fraternity. He invited us to be joyful religious.

Thank you sisters for your prayer, trust and fraternity that accompanied and sustained us during these five years of animation of the Congregation. We continue to trust in the intercession of Marie Poussepin, our Foundress and St. Dominic de Guzman in the preparation and realization of the 56th General Chapter.