Los Andes: New Foundation in Camporredondo

on 16 Jun, 2016
Hits: 4263

Camporredondo (Peru), 04/28/2016, From the Supplement Camporredondo of Los Andes.- In response to the request made in 2013 by Bishop Emiliano Antonio Cisneros Martinez, Augustinian Recollect, Bishop of the Diocese of Chachapoyas, in the department of Amazonas, Peru, and after several missionary experiences in which participated some lay people, and much discernment, on April 27 in a Eucharist celebrated at the provincial house in Lima and presided over by Fr. Juan José Salaverry, provincial prior of the Dominicans,  it took place the official sending  of the Sisters. Rocío del Pilar Cuéllar Dávalos, Ana Inés Márquez Paneso, Nora del Socorro Zuleta Posada and María Natalia Huamán Vicente, who departed from Lima to Camporredondo on April 28, with happiness and generosity of missionary launches and risks bringing the Good News.

On May 15th, the day of Pentecost, with the approval of the General Government, the canonical erection of the new community was made.  The Parish was prepared with multiple details for the start of the mission; we also, as a province, were present, some physically, and all, with prayer and joy that the same feast of the Holy Spirit gave us. At 9:00 am we met Monsignor Emiliano and Father Karlos (one Spanish, who is the parish priest) and Sisters: Ofelia Quispe Huallpara, provincial superior, three of the councilors: Patricia Avendano Alvarez, Sabina Zevallos Aparicio and Amparo Velez Perez and the four founding sisters of this mission. The Bishop read out the canonical erection. Sister Amparo, provincial secretary, read the Act of foundation, this act was signed by all  the present, and then, signed the agreement Sister Ofelia and Msgr. Emiliano  Right after,  we offer a glass of wine to celebrate this significant moment and we set out to prepare for the celebration of the Eucharist, the central moment of the foundation’s opening.

 Hna. Ana Inés Márquez PanesoHna. Ana Inés Márquez PanesoHna. María Natalia Huamán VicenteHna. María Natalia Huamán VicenteHna. Nora Zuleta PosadaHna. Nora Zuleta PosadaHna. Rocío del Pilar Cuéllar DávalosHna. Rocío del Pilar Cuéllar Dávalos

In his homily, Monsignor, emphasized the sense that it has the feast of Pentecost in the Church, in the light of the biblical readings of the liturgy and the reality that lived the parish with the beginning of our missionary presence, responding to a sending, as the one, the apostles of Jesus received the day of Pentecost. After the celebration of the Eucharist, we went to the House to be blessed by the Bishop, beginning with the Chapel. In the square, people gather with their authorities were waiting for us to begin the welcome, organized with much love and dedication. All the people present there, more than a thousand, had received a glass of soda and a large sandwich, prepared and offered by the pastoral council with its committees. And not only that, they also had lunch ready, which we share with the different civil authorities, the Catechists of the town and some rural communities.

All  we lived in this day, not only remain in the archives, but even more in the hearts of those who with such enthusiasm and affection participated in this holiday and especially in the memory of the four founding sisters, as a stimulus to bring the proclamation of the Gospel. 

Photo Album: New Foundation in Camporredondo

