Canonical Visit of the General Government to Guadalupe

on 11 Aug, 2016
Hits: 5233

Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador, 07/09-31/2016, Srs. de Guadalupe.- On July 6th, we had the joy of welcoming our sisters from the General Government to the Provincial House for the canonical visit to our Province: Sr. María Escayola Coris, Superior General, Sr. Maria Leonor Charria Angulo, Sr. Blanca Aurora Marín, Sr. María Fabiola Duque, Sr. Diana Gisela Dolorita and Sr. Rosario Amelia Garcés, who was with us just for a few days for her canonical visit to the provincial secretariat, then, she traveled to Colombia.

Srs. María Leonor, Janet (sup. provincial), Blanca Aurora, Maria (sup. general), María Fabiola in the Basilica of the Virgin of GuadalupeSrs. María Leonor, Janet (sup. provincial), Blanca Aurora, Maria (sup. general), María Fabiola in the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe 

We had their official welcome on July 9th from sunrise to sunset. First, we began with Morning Prayer and the Eucharist. Then, we showed the reality of our Province through visual displays, testimonies of our sisters, missionary corners and a cultural event called "Our Roots ". Most of the sisters were present with a representation from all the communities. On the next day, they began their pilgrimage to each community.

Sr. María Escayola and Sr. María Fabiola Duque went to the communities of Morelia and Tlaxcala. Sr. Blanca Aurora and Sr. Diana Gisela visited the communities of Mier y Pesado Institute in Mexico City and the Pastoral Youth ministry in Guadalajara, Jalisco. Sr. María Leonor Charria, was in Guatemala visiting the community of Santa María Ixhuatán, and then the community of Colonia Dolores in El Salvador.

After this first stage of their visits, the sisters of the General Government along with the Provincial Government had a trip around some “magical towns” in the State of Michoacan: Zirahuen, Tzintzuntzan and Santa Clara del Cobre.

Moment of departureMoment of departure

Next day, they continued their journey to the communities. Sr. Maria went to the Residence of Guadalupe, in Cuernavaca, Morelos and to the Community of Formation in Cuautitlán, located in the State of Mexico. Sr. María Fabiola and Sr. Blanca Aurora visited the Welcoming Community in the Provincial House and the Provincial Community. Sr. Maria Leonor Charria went to Ciudad Altamirano, Guerrero and Sr. Diana Gisela Dolorita visited the community of Candelaria, in San Cristobal, Chiapas.

During their pilgrimage, we witnessed the gratuitousness of God, through a simple, fraternal and deep sharing from our sisters of the General Government. They came to the Province like a testimonial statement to Mercy as they “took off their sandals" to enter with prudence and respect into the reality of each sister and community. After their return to the Provincial House, they went to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe to bring before Her, the projects and needs of the Congregation.

Also, a meeting of the General and Provincial Governments took place in order to share fraternally their points of view, prospective and guidelines for the life of the Province of Guadalupe. Through the Eucharist we thanked God for His overflowing grace during the “Favorable Time” of this Gospel-like visit. After, we continued with a toast and the meal, which we enjoyed in the garden of the Provincial House. We celebrated together the joy of encounter that makes us recognize that

"The Mighty One has done great things for us" and therefore, united with the Virgin Mary we can "proclaim the greatness of the Lord".


Photo Album: Canonical Visit to Guadalupe

Mexico - El Salvador - Guatemala
