Canonical Visit of the General Government to Manizales

on 06 Oct, 2016
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Manizales (Colombie), 09/02-25/2016, Srs. province of Manizales.- Radiating with joy, the sisters of the Province of Manizales prepared to receive the “Congregation” in a unique way in our Superior General and her council, who came to us as messengers of peace to share the life of each sister and each local community. They encouraged us to live consecrated life in a radical way from its different dimensions.

Joyful encounter: “This was the expected time, the time of salvation...”

The general government with the provincial government of ManizalesThe general government with the provincial government of ManizalesIt was a time of grace, a time of salvation, of fraternal meetings, filled with joy and hope. We were able to experience the meaning of real communion. We organized two open meetings one in Aguacatal, Cali to favour the older sisters and another one in Manizales. The sisters participated in the sharing, strengthening their sense of belonging surfaced with expressions of joy and fraternal love. 

Sr. Maria Escayola, our Superior General in her greeting shared about the importance of the canonical visit, concerns about mission and the essence of community life. She invited us to be more dedicated and open to the reality of the world today and to be committed to promote vocations. This demands from us at first, to live fidelity to our own vocation and an attitude of peace and joy to welcome others. Between the two meetings, the sisters of the General Council visited all the communities of the Province. Sr. Maria Escayola visited the communities of Brazil, shared their life and received the perpetual profession of Sr. Silvana de Oliveira. Sr. Mariamma Paul Ollukaran visited the communities of Ecuador.

The visit of the General Government is a “step of the Lord”, passing of the Congregation through the breadth and length of the Province, a time of joy and hope, a time to dialogue and listening, of sharing and knowledge, to look together what was lived and to recognize what is missing, of closeness and fraternity. Thank you Sr. Maria Escayola, Thank you sisters of the General Council, you have left indelible footprints in the heart of the Province. To Our Lady of the Presentation, we confide the time lived and plead for her help for the fulfilment of the commitments through reflection and fraternal sharing.

Photo Album: Canonical Visit to Manizales

Manizales - Brazil - Ecuador

Photos of Manizales


Visita Canónica del Gob. Gen. a Manizales - 1Visita Canónica del Gob. Gen. a Manizales - 1

Photos of Ecuador and Brazil

Visita Canónica del Gob. Gen. a Manizales - 2 (Brasil)Visita Canónica del Gob. Gen. a Manizales - 2 (Brasil)