Los Andes: The Celebration of the Jubilee year of Mercy by the youth to Camporredondo

on 06 Dec, 2016
Hits: 3306

Camporredondo (Peru), 11/15/2016, Sr. Rocío Cuéllar Dávalos.- We celebrated the jubilee of the youth from November 11 to 13 with the youth from the parishes of San Pedro de Camporredondo, to which we belong and San Simón de Ocalli. It was an event that took place during the year of Mercy. 

Youth Jubilee Camporredondo 2016Youth Jubilee Camporredondo 2016

Youth Jubilee Camporredondo 2016Youth Jubilee Camporredondo 2016

From the two parishes, the youth groups of 14 communities were assembled and a total of 180 youth participated in it. Each youth group was prepared with anticipation for this meeting; so the youth were well motivated and came with a lot of enthusiasm and were ready to live these days in joy and openness. The mercy of God was the theme for reflection.

In the joy of being forgiven and reconciled with God and ourselves, we went out to the streets as pilgrims, singing joyfully of the experience of the merciful love of God. As we walked on the streets, we made 7 stops to reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. As we ended our tour with songs of joy, we stopped at the Holy Door. After an introduction, we entered by the same door with our candles lit. Then we had the Eucharist which was especially prepared for the youth to help them to be open to receive the graces that God offers them during this jubilee year.

Working with the youth is a priority for our Parish ministry. But it is a challenge to enable them to commit themselves to the local church with the strength of their faith. So, this type of meetings helps them to become more aware and to feel encouraged in living their lives according to the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel.

Youth Jubilee Camporredondo 2016Youth Jubilee Camporredondo 2016