Secondary education in remote village of Honduras is a reality

on 10 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3577

Cabos de Hacha-Tegucigalpa (Honduras), 04/10/2017, Sr. Marta Inés Toro.- On March 29, 2017, fifteen youth and adults from the village Cabos de Hacha in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, started their high school studies in their own town. This achievement is thanks to the joint effort of the Sisters, the village teacher and several volunteers. In Honduras the Congregation has been in Guaimaca since 2001. In 2014, we began an extension of the community in Tegucigalpa. It is from there that Sr. Deysi Silva visits and pastorally accompanies several communities.

Sr. Deysi with a group of studentsSr. Deysi with a group of studentsAt the end of 2015 she shared with us about the natural beauty and the values she found among the people of the community of Cabos de Hacha. A remote village, by a steep road, without electricity, where families live from agriculture, with little presence of the Church. It is the families, living their faith and Christian values, who pass it on from parents to children and grandchildren. They have a school, with a teacher for the six years of primary education. Many wish to continue their studies, but they are far away and it is dangerous to go elsewhere to do so.
We began the process as a concrete act in the year of mercy, motivated by Sr. María Escayola, Superior General, during her canonical visit in June 2016. She encouraged us to look for a gesture or action that marks the Year of Mercy for the community. At our Community Assembly on July 14, 2016, we decided to support, as a community, the pastoral mission initiated by Sr. Deysi in Cabos de Hacha.
Manual activitiesManual activitiesSr. Marta Inés Toro accompanied Sr. Deysi to start the steps in the central office of the Honduran Institute of Education through Radio (IHER). Sr. Teresa María Abello, the director of the CMP, often exchanges with Sr. Deysi and shares pertinent information. Sr. Deysi Silva visits the community of Cabos de Hacha frequently and has taken the necessary steps to make access to secondary education a reality. The village teacher, although living in another locality, regularly moves not only to Cabos de Hacha, but also to the offices of the IHER in Tegucigalpa, along with Sr. Deysi, until obtaining the necessary approval and support.
This is how they start on March 29, 2017 with students in seventh and eighth grades. The ages oscillate between 13 and 39 years. Also, there is a 54-year-old woman who attends first and second grade of elementary education. They have 4 volunteer tutors. Glenda Ortiz, who is inserting herself in our Congregation, collaborates weekly with Sr. Deysi on Wednesdays, when the tutorials are held.

It is a first step for the education of poor and needy people in this remote village, following the Charism of Marie Poussepin.

Making their wayMaking their wayWe live it as a Work of Providence, as other answers to many needs that we continue trying to give in Honduras. May Marie Poussepin guide and strengthen us!

Families of the villageFamilies of the village

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