Guaimaca: Leading the Prevention of Cancer in the Relay for Life

on 19 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3481

Guaimaca (Honduras), marzo 2017, Hna. Teresa Maria Abelló.- The 7 students of the last year of high school of the Marie Poussepin Center of Guaimaca (C.M.P.), in their social educational work (TES), participated in the campaign "Relay for Life". Event of the American Cancer Society, which is held at the end of March each year. They researched on cancer and prepared themselves to train all the other students and staff of the Marie Poussepin Center on Friday 24th.

In their talk, with the purpose of fighting cancer, they encouraged their companions to carry this message to their villages and communities over the weekend. Meanwhile, the graduates were to participate along with the other high schools and institutes, in the events scheduled in Guaimaca. Beginning with the afternoon parade, followed by the event for the prevention and awareness of the population in general, in the Park of the municipality.

The students of the other courses, organized themselves in groups by villages to cover the area between all of them. They trained their people and prepared boxes and bottles to collect donations. On Monday they arrived excited to the C.M.P. with all the lempiras for counting. So much was the conviction of all the girls to fight for this cause, that with the motto "a lempira for life", they managed to raise among the poor people of all their communities more than 5,000 Lempiras. It is noteworthy that three sisters, who could not get transportation on Monday, came walking through the mountains for more than three hours, to be able to deliver on time, what they collected in their area.

Of all the educational centers of the municipality, the students of the C.M.P., were the ones that collected the most. For they know that with conviction the effort is worthwhile, because YOU CAN achieve what one proposes. And in this activity it is shown that generous hearts are in humble people, who know how to share for a good cause, what they are and what they have even if little. May God Bless you all !!!!

Prevención del cáncer en GuaimacaPrevención del cáncer en Guaimaca