Haiti: Outing at the beach, a time for integration

on 26 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3498

Puerto Príncipe (Haiti), 04/21/2017, Sr. María Consuelo Gómez Botero.- The School St. Charles Borromeo of Porto Prince, (Haiti) organizes a yearly outing at the beach for its 64 challenged students. The High School students who sponsor these children, the volunteers, teachers and the logistical staff, accompany them in their trip. This year they chose the first week of Easter for this event.

Hna. Gloria Inés González, School Principal, aims at socializing the challenged children of the neighboring area to the school. To this end she started a program of development of the intellectually challenged (DIC), making it possible for them to get integrated into the different school activities. The children less challenged participate in classes and the others are a special group assisted by a teacher. The 64 High School students were invited to become sponsors of these children and it was thus, that the Project “My little brother” started, by assuring a commitment from the older students towards the ones with difficulties. The outcome has been very positive, the adolescents gain in participation and responsibility and the children find affection and help.

However, solidarity does not stop there. An American Protestant Pastor, puts his own private place in Kyona Beach at their service. The volunteers, teachers, Sisters and logistical staff also participate in this chain of help. Everything is placed at the service of these children, making possible their integration, rest and relaxation. Altogether this was a wonderful day: bathing in the ocean, games in the sand and the sharing of lunch. For many it was their first visit to the ocean. In the later afternoon they returned to their school where parents waited for their children after a wonderful day. We thank everyone who made this encounter possible and which allowed us to witness the simple joy of these little ones.
