Los Andes: A new outreach for Evangelization in the Province

on 22 May, 2017
Hits: 3239

Lima (Peru), 05/20/2017, Sr. Amparo Vélez.- The Means of Social Communication MSC are catching up with us, but we are also catching up to them! And it is not always the young who are doing it, but as it is the case at this time in our Province of Los Andes, 81 year old Sr. Rosa Inés del Sagrado Corazón, a member of the Hospitality Community in Lima, who has been a bit challenged for some time now in her eye-sight, who by her missionary fire and love for the Virgin Mary, has incurred with courage into the MSC.

Sr. Rosa Inés del Sagrado CorazónSr. Rosa Inés del Sagrado CorazónIt is already many years since Sr. Rosa Inés does part of her evangelizing mission in “Radio María”. First in Cochabamba, Bolivia for a year and since 17 years ago in Lima, Perú, Through a Program, “Weaving Mary’s Mantle”, three times a week with prerecorded topics for reflection diffused at various times according to schedule. Her missionary spirit has also led her to create a Facebook Page where she posts a message a day and on each Sunday a reflection on the Gospel of the day.
As if the above were not enough, her friends, a married couple, invited her to evangelize beyond the country of Perú, in a Radio Station from Florida, USA. She is doing so every Tuesday in the program “Hour of Mary” over the phone and sometimes directly with the participation of an audience, or prerecording the program from her home. On March 13, the owners of the Radio Station made Sr. Rosa Inés the Spiritual Director of the Station. After her acceptance and aware of the responsibility which this entails, she was officially introduced on the radio.

For the Province and for the many people who listen to her over the radio waves, or who read her messages, Sr. Rosa Inés is an example of the Dominican Sister of the Presentation, who lives and makes enjoyable the Dominican Charism of preaching. She is the first to be happy with this involvement which at the same time requires from her reading and study to prepare the topics which she will present. Do you know how she does it? Through a great love of the Lord and of the Virgin Mary.