Bucaramanga (Colombia), 06/16/2017, Sr. Luz Karime Mancipe Laguado.- This year the Faculty of Health Care in the “Universidad Industrial de Santander, UIS”, based in Bucaramanga, completed 50 years offering formation in science, ethics and humanism. A beautiful and moving historical survey of this Faculty of Health Care was the prelude for the posthumous recognition of a renowned daughter of Marie Poussepin, which took place on June 14, in Louis A. Calvo auditorium of this great educational center.
Hna. María GemmaLa Universidad Industrial de Santander UIS, one of the best universities in Colombia and America, conferred posthumous recognition to Sr. Maria Gemma, Province of Bucaramanga, for her commitment to the institution, leadership and efforts for the Foundation of the School of Nursing, which was then affiliated to the Division of Health Sciences and today to the Faculty of Health Care in the Universidad Industrial de Santander.
For this purpose, the faculty of health care was adorned with feast day decorations to entrust this recognition into the hands of Sr. Carmen Cecilia Flórez Montaño, Provincial Superior. May all be for the greater glory of God!