Canonical visit of the general government to Bogotá

on 09 Jul, 2017
Hits: 3717

Bogota (Colombia), 07/09/2017, Sisters province of Bogota.- “Canonical visit is a special time of our life journey, a time of listening, dialogue, knowledge, communion and a search together, a task that is not easy at all, but we are sure that the Lord is with us. It is a time in which your history and project, of each community and the Province unites with that of the Congregation in the entire world to share life and hope. The Congregation exists where each sister and each community lives her Spiritual experience.”

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With these words, Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General addressed the sisters at the opening of the canonical visit to the Province, from May 27 to June 28 2017, and her words summarizes what this visit of the General Council meant for the Province, for each community and each sister. Their presence full of fraternity and joy brightened the whole Province, each one of the communities near and far by their visit. How much goodness, closeness, spirituality and joy blended! In addition, we shared on the present challenges in religious life today, in the world and in the Congregation.

Three moment especially marked this grace - filled event for the Province that has awakened our regular routines and encouraged our efforts. At the opening of the canonical visit, in a warm and simple way, the Province welcomed the General Government with availability, transparency and truth. We opened wide the doors of our local communities, of our minds, hearts and will to receive the orientations, guidelines and insights that will help us to make our Charism alive and respond to the calls of the Word of God with authenticity and courage.

Representing the Province, one of the elderly sisters and the youngest sister of the Province presented the sisters of the General Council with floral bouquets. The greeting of the most veteran, Hna. Danielita, the feast with choral singing, folk dance of the little ones from “Colegio Centro” were expressions of our joy and availability. After this, the words of Sr. Maria Escayola, which were very profound, took our attention and became matter for our reflection. The Eucharistic celebration at midday was the culmination of our welcome and thanksgiving.

The following days, sisters of the General Council visited the communities and left strong traces of their sincerity, closeness and fraternal spirit. In the open assembly, on June 25, Sr. Maria Escayola made a wonderful synthesis of some of the main lines of action presented by the 54th General Chapter and left a message for the Province to reflect and put into practice. Sr. Fanny Yolanda Barrantes responded to this, by evoking the words of the prophet Isaiah, as a well-disposed land to the power of the Spirit, seeds of charity would bear fruit of contagious joy and harmonious living with missionary audacity, giving new ways of thinking and acting. She thanked Sr. Maria Escayola Coris for her guidance giving a new vigour in the Province with the orientations after the Canonical visit, for communicating the relevant aspects of the Congregation and for the message of Christian hope sown in our Province. On June 30 marked the day of Thanksgiving with an act called "The Hour of God” with flashes of gratitude, of nostalgia, simple but full of affection and greatfullness.