Bucaramanga (Colombia), 07/03/2017, Sr. Eleein Paola Navarro.- La Turena, “la casa de todas” (the house of all), welcomed the Lay Dominicans of the Presentation of our Province of Bucaramanga, who came together for their General Assembly from June 29 to July 2, accompanied by the Sisters who assist them. They reflected on the theme: Committed to care for our Common House, enlightened by the Encyclical “Laudato Si” of Pope Francis.
This assembly was very special for the groups of “Nuestra Señora del Rosario” (Our Lady of the Rosary) of Bucaramanga and “Dourdan” of Tibú, as they celebrated 15 years of their first response to the Lord to live their baptism through a commitment of faith and charity in their everyday life.
Under the coordination of the Provincial Board of the Laity, each one of the groups had studied previously one of the Chapters of the Encyclical and in a very creative and fraternal way they shared their appreciation and commitments with regard to the theme and also their pastoral and missionary experiences in each one of the places. To be strengthened in their Dominican spirituality they had invited Fr. Rubén Darío López O.P who in a profound manner shared with the participants on the theme: “Espiritualidad ecológica desde el carisma dominicano” (The spirituality of ecology according to the Dominican Charism).
With great joy, we, the sisters participated in the Eucharistic celebration for the consecration and renewal of commitment of both the new and the old members of the association. They freely made their commitment in the hands of Sr. Carmen Cecilia Flórez M. to continue to live their Christian commitment according to the spirituality of the Charism of Marie Poussepin by being inserted in the reality of the world.
Bucaramanga. Eucaristía de consagración
Hna. Beatriz Álvarez
Hna. Julia de la Sagrada Familia
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