Testimony: Visit to Guaimaca

on 13 Dec, 2017
Hits: 3142

Guaimaca (Honduras), 12/12/2017, Sr. Myriam Botero.- I was delighted to be in the Community of Guaimaca (Honduras) from October 11 to 20, as I went there to follow up a Project for the formation of young village women by means of ecological farming, which was subsidized in 2016 by the General Management of the Cooperation de Baleares (Spain).

Apart from the simple and fraternal welcome of the Sisters, I found there an apostolic work which was amazing to me because of all its characteristics: Creativity, balance, good organization, newness in the response, work in the periphery, making use of the resources and active participation of the laity. In short, it is a mission according to the mind and heart of Marie Poussepin.

The training which is offered to young village women is not only focused on assuring them a High school certificate through the system of education by radio, but also on developing their artistic and manual skills and giving them some basics of alternative medicine, alphabetization, community organization and Christian leadership in their villages. The theoretical and practical training for ecological faming and the cultivation and use of medicinal plants is an important aspect of their formation. It enables them to multiply what they receive and also gives to their mothers and fathers the opportunity to become partners in the work of their daughters.

Precisely, the goal of the project is to cultivate a hectare with garden products in the farm donated to the Congregation by a North American benefactor to ensure finance for the Center of training as well as for the dispensary. This cultivation was done by using houses made of net, a type of hothouses covered with anti-mosquito net. With the help of an agricultural engineer, the tutors and some workers of the farm, the students received the technical and practical training, primarily on the process of cultivating garden products, from the preparation of the land and the construction of the net-houses up to the gathering and marketing of the products.

At Guaimaca, health care for people with fewer resources is also a priority. The dispensary has been growing ever since the arrival of the Sisters in Honduras. We are grateful for its services and for the collaboration of the team of doctors, dentists, constructors, electricians, and carpenters from the diocese of Fall River and other dioceses and Christian Churches from the United States. Now it has become a small clinic which offers services in traditional and alternative medicine, pharmacy and dental care. Two days after my return, there was the inauguration of a center for dental care, well-staffed with two big halls and other small additional rooms which now have 5 dental armchairs and all the instruments needed for these treatments.

I am deeply grateful to my loving Sisters in Guaimaca; may the Lord sustain your missionary zeal!

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