WITNESSES: Sr. Blanca Aurora Marín

on 07 Jul, 2020
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Medellín (Colombia), 07/07/2020.- Sr. Blanca Marín Hoyos.- I still remember when Sr. Inés Mercedes Mejía, Superior General informed the Congregation about the Beatification of Marie Poussepin and at the same time, invited us to contemplate and thank for the “wonders of God” in the Congregation.

I felt that this invitation was a grace, a gift that the Lord was granting me to be able to participate in its preparation and celebration from the very heart of the Congregation and the heart of the Church, as I was studying in Rome at that time. I remember that with much joy and as a community, we prepared the materials concerning the Beatification to be sent to the different Provinces and at the same time we prepared ourselves spiritually by prayer and rereading the story of Marie Poussepin and her life of charity to celebrate this event of grace for the Congregation.

Hna. Blanca Aurora MarínHna. Blanca Aurora Marín

The days just prior to the beatification were days of preparation to welcome the Sisters from the different continents who would participate in the celebration. They were days marked by joy, meetings and fraternal love; we were overwhelmed by the joy of the Beatification of Our Mother Foundress Marie Poussepin.

The Beatification in Rome was very special; on that day we got up early, we were waiting for it with much longing, as something extraordinary and thus it was. To hear from Pope John Paul II in Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome that “ Marie Poussepin is proclaimed Social Apostle of Charity” and that her reputation for holiness has been recognized, was something indescribable; I remember that we were filled with joy and excitement and the tears of many sisters witnessed the joy that filled our hearts.

She teaches us the holiness of daily life: “speak to Him often, speak of Him often, and often renew the intention of doing everything for His glory.” A woman inspired by Providence who opens us to an itinerant way of life: “wherever the Church calls us, wherever our brothers and sisters need us.” A woman who lets herself be touched by the suffering of her brothers and sisters: “they will stay with the sick person as long as charity requires them.” A Woman who carries the kingdom of God in her heart: “burnt with love for God and for the brethren.” Through the Beatification, the Church confirms her project of life: Everything from God and everything for God.

As we celebrate 25 years of the Beatification of Our Mother Foundress Marie Poussepin, we commit ourselves to follow her footsteps and to imitate her in her goodness, humility and zeal for the preaching of the Gospel and the service of charity.

May Blessed Marie Poussepin who heard in the cry of the poor the cry of Jesus that resounds today also “My God, My God…” (Mk. 15: 34), help us to be generous in Charity and may the Congregation always remain open to God’s surprises.