From India to Marie Poussepin: Three Beautiful Texts

on 27 Jul, 2020
Hits: 2192

Bangalore (India), 07/27/2020.- Three beautiful texts come to us from India, testimony of the love they have in this country for Marie Poussepin.

Annie, Art Walk Design Studio: "Blessed Marie Poussepin, a Companion in my Business"AnnieAnnie

Growing up around the Dominican Convent in Bangalore, Blessed Marie Poussepin was not an unfamiliar face to me. I’ve often glanced at her portrait every time I went to the sisters to buy milk. I remember one day asking Sr. Philo, “Whose portrait is that?” She said; “She is Blessed Marie Poussepin, our Foundress”. Little did I know that she was going to have a great impact in my life!

Years passed, I got married and have a little baby boy. I started a business of my own. I was determined to do a job that I loved. I put my heart and soul into my little project. I had a plan laid out but at the back of my head I felt that I was sailing into a stormy sea. Although I had my family’s moral support, I started to feel that I need a companion who knew my work to help me to grow in my business.

One Sunday after the mass as I was exiting the door of the church Sr. Anula came up to me and placed in my hand a prayer card of Blessed Marie Poussepin. She said; “I heard that you’ve started a new business, take this prayer of Blessed Marie Poussepin, she is a very successful business woman herself, she’ll guide you in what you do”. This truly was not a coincidence but a pure miracle, where I completely felt the presence of God; He knew my struggle, He knew what was in my mind and He knew I needed a companion in my business journey. Yes, He gave me Marie Poussepin to accompany me.

I took the prayer with me and placed it on my office table. Every morning I would pray the prayer and start my day at work. I did not see any magic happening immediately or overnight. But I witnessed my business growing step by step. It faced a lot of ups and downs; I might have not reached to a point of being a millionaire or even a well-known woman entrepreneur (if this is what is defined by the society as a successful person) but I am able to meet my needs and the needs of the needy. I am contented that I am guided by faith, I am guided by Blessed Marie Poussepin and she will do the rest joining with me and my efforts.

Annie, Art Walk Design Studio. My Address: No 15 "Marian Villa", 24th Cross, Kaggadasapura, C V Raman Nagar Post, Bangalore 560093.

Amali, aspirant: "I am ready for the one whom my soul loves"


My beloved saw me from afar,
He found me beautiful for Him,
Soil was ready in Marie Poussepin’s garden
There, He planted me, His little Rose

He placed me under Marie Poussepin’s care,
She watered this little plant of His,
By her teaching and her coaching
As she did for her young ones of Sainville.

She consoles me when I am sad,
She soothes me when I am hurt
She whispers in my ear that Jesus loves me.
Happy am I to be loved so.

She carries me with her as she visits the poor
Shows me how to help those in need
I am pleased I can be His instrument.
And I said, “I am ready with your help.”

She showed me the thorns
O! Yes they are part of me
So sad was I to see them there,
Mother held me close and whispered;

“See the thorns Jesus bore on His head!”
The pain He bore was to save sinners.
Then I looked into me,
My God! I have so many!

Marie Poussepin smiled and said,
See, you can save many sinners,
Allow to be trimmed by Him,
Your beloved who loves you so!

I am afraid, I told her,
It will pain me, I flinched
Do not be afraid, she said
For He loves you and I am at your side!

                                                                                               Amali (Aspirant).

Sr. Rose Mary: "Disturb me O God!"

Sr. Rose Mary Sr. Rose Mary

Disturb me O God, disturb me,
In this time of pandemic
As Marie Poussepin was disturbed
At the misery and epidemic in Sainville.

Disturb me O God, disturb me,
When I am complacent
Before the needs of the poor, marginalized.
Marie Poussepin says,
“They will render corporal and spiritual services to the sick poor.”

Disturb me O God, disturb me,
When I am satisfied with my comforts and conveniences
And have no care for the homeless.
Marie Poussepin shared her home and her bed
With Marie Olivier who was in need.

Disturb me O God, disturb me,
When I find my “Dourdan” too good
And prefer to stay put unwilling to go beyond frontiers
To reach out to the cries of “Sainville.”

Disturb me O God, disturb me,
When I am indifferent to my sister’s concerns
Marie Poussepin Says, “True Charity will lead them
To cordiality, graciousness…perfect reconciliation.”

Disturb me O God, disturb me,
When my words become harsh
And create havoc in my community
Marie Poussepin insists,
“Charity should be the soul of the community.”

Disturb me O God, disturb me,
When I am selfish and keep to myself
God-given gifts and talents
Marie Poussepin gave it all to family, community and the poor.

Disturb me O God, disturb me,
When I am satisfied with the minimum effort
Marie Poussepin advises:
“..Sisters (must) add regularity in their actions, holiness of life,
Fervor, compunction, care in doing all things for the Love of God”
Disturb me, O God, disturb me!

Sr. Rose Mary Kadampattuparampil.