WITNESSES: Sr. María Teresa del Rosario

on 30 Jul, 2020
Hits: 2134

Medellín (Colombia), 07/30/2020, Sr. María Teresa del Rosario.- As we were so many sisters in the Province, to be on the list of those who would go to Rome for the beatification of Our Mother Foundress, was a very big grace that the Lord granted me. My participation in this grace-filled event is a proof that the Lord chooses the simple and surprises us each day.

Sr. María Teresa del RosarioSr. María Teresa del RosarioIt was something unexplainable for me to be in those places that are so sacred for the Congregation like Dourdan, the house where Marie Poussepin was born, Sainville where the Congregation was born, her pharmacy where she took care of the poor, the door through which the Sisters left at the time of their dispersion. To have known her room, the baptismal font and the Church where Marie Poussepin was baptized and where she was so many times chosen as godmother, was a grace never expected nor thought of by me. It was a grace for which I thank God every day and which I relive in my memory and in my heart, as I remember it in this year of grace for the 25 years of her Beatification.

One thing I still thank God is to have known the tomb of our mother foundress; I spent a lot of time in prayer and her grace has sustained my vocation that I have lived so far and now continue to live, joyfully serving the Lord in the house of Marie Poussepin. This experience has helped me to know Marie Poussepin better, love the Congregation more, deepen my understanding of the Charism and to be encouraged in the service of charity and to thank God for my vocation.