WITNESSES: Sr. Philomina Vengachottil

on 05 Sep, 2020
Hits: 1936
Nagpur (India), 09/05/2020, Sr. Philomina Vengachottil.- 

My cherished memories… 

The year 1994 marked a great milestone, a momentum in the life of the Congregation and in every Sister of Charity of the Presentation. A year of grace, filled with gratitude! Marie Poussepin was elevated among the Blessed in heaven. That year was a real gift of God for me, since I was asked to go to our Mother House in France to attend the course in CEMP (Marie Poussepin Study Centre) along with Sr. Selina Parakadath. A privileged year for both of us. 

What a wonderful gift from Blessed Marie Poussepin! I am unable to express in words my joy of participating in the celebration of the Beatification in Rome. A very rare gift! The long- awaited day…the day the Church publicly proclaimed Marie Poussepin’s holiness! 

Sr. Philomina VengachottilSr. Philomina VengachottilLet me share a small incident which took place during the Beatification. On Nov 20, 1994, St. Peter’s Square and the surroundings were filled with the faithful who came to participate in the Beatification ceremony of five holy people and Marie Poussepin was one of them. Marie Poussepin was being recognized by the universal church for her holiness, another step closer to her sainthood. Pope John Paul II, during the Beatification ceremony proclaimed that Marie Poussepin is beatified with the title “Marie Poussepin, Social Apostle of Charity”. She was appreciated and honored for her charity on that day. When we heard the words of the Pope, our hearts were filled with joy.

Sr. Marie Ascension who was our former Provincial, when we were part of the Province of USA (General Councilor afterwards) and an instrument for the foundation in India, who is in heaven now, was standing beside me. She cried aloud with boundless joy and gratitude. Tears of joy were rolling down from her blue eyes and I also cried with deep sense of joy. I realized how much she loved Marie Poussepin and how much she longed to hear the words of our Holy Father John Paul II proclaiming that she is beatified. An inspiration for all of us to love Marie Poussepin with admiration and love! 

Marie Poussepin grew in her love through the Lord’s intervention in her life. Her love for God and her brothers and sisters overflowed without frontiers through her charitable works in Sainville and neighboring places. She always trusted in the Providence of God and her love was only for Him and r His people. Her life is a light for my path and her love is a source of life for me.

“Whatever we have is very little, but if we give it to Jesus’ hands, it becomes super abundance,” His Eminence Cardinal Oswald Gracias said in one of his homilies during this time of Covid -19. These words of Cardinal are very apt to talk about the life of Marie Poussepin. Marie Poussepin offered her littleness in everything into the hands of Jesus and He transformed it to super abundance. With the help of Jesus, she transformed the poor ignorant village of Sainville. Give the little that you have to Jesus, trust in the power of His Words and deeds and He will make everything into plenty; she knew this secret very well and she experienced it in her life. The Beatification of Marie Poussepin still gives me much joy and gratitude and I cherish the sweet memories of that day. I continue to thank God for that great gift.

I am very sure that she continues to intercede for us, her daughters to have the same love and charity and to serve the needy, going beyond the borders without reservation.
Let us imbibe her audacity and faith in announcing Jesus Christ by living out her Charism day by day…
Blessed Marie Poussepin, Pray for us.