Mosaic of Marie Poussepin

on 01 Nov, 2020
Hits: 1953

Chile, 11/01/2020, Carmen González Moreno.- I am Carmen González Moreno, I knew the Congregation in Melipilla and I felt deeply identified with the Charism of Marie Poussepin. I had the grace of sharing the life and mission of the Congregation, as a religious, for nine years, a time of a very rich community and missionary experience, during which I was able to grow humanly and spiritually, putting at the service of the common good the formation I received and the talents the Lord gave me.

In the course of my religious life, I discovered that this was not my path, but I kept in my heart the spirit of service learned from Marie Poussepin and her daughters. For this reason, when I left the Congregation, I began to work in health care and for 10 years I was a volunteer at the "Hogar de Cristo", a center of welcome and care for street people.

 In this time of grace that the Congregation is experiencing as it celebrates the 25th anniversary of her Beatification, I would like to share with you this beautiful mosaic that my sister-in-law gave me, made by her, she gave me for my 50 birthday, since she knew how significant she was in my life, this woman who since my adolescence captivated my heart and who through the years has been my reference in the daily effort to live the faith. Without a doubt this time of grace and joy, that the Congregation is living has been for me too, as has the profound joy of remembering her life that has become known to my family and friends through my witness of faith and spirituality. My daughters have seen her since they were little as "the French grandmother" who takes care of them and gives them gifts, that is why, from their first words they call her "Grandma Marie".

I am not in the Congregation but I feel part of it, I accompany and visit the sisters and the doors of my house are always open to them. I also feel part of this beautiful legacy that is the Charism of the Foundress, since she has been a driving force in every step of my life, as a consecrated woman, mother, wife and widow. She gives me a renewed strength that despite the difficulties of life always lifts me up and encourages me to continue on the best path.

My loving embrace for every sister in the world and my eternal love for my dear mother Marie Poussepin.