From Spirituality House Nazareth - Petaluma

on 13 Nov, 2020
Hits: 1858

Petaluma (Colombia), 11/13/2020, Spirituality House Community Nazareth.- Our community of the Nazareth-Petaluma spirituality house is located in the Petaluma Alta village, Cachipay, Cundinamarca, Colombia, Latin America. It was erected on April 22, 1963, by Monsignor Ciro Alfonso Gómez, bishop of the diocese of Girardot. We belong to the parish of Our Lady of Carmen, located in Cachipay. We are encouraged by the great sense of belonging to the Congregation and to the province of Santafé de Bogotá.

The love that unites us in community is open to all those who wish to come to this house of spirituality, they are directly attended by us, the sisters, we offer them a wide space within nature to religious communities, priests, parishes, lay movements, university groups, schools, families or individuals. People who are looking for a place to make their spiritual exercises... prayer meetings, days of reflection, conviviality, training courses, rest... it is a climate of silence that favors the personal encounter with God, with nature, with oneself and with others.

We share a favorable environment to grow together in the spirituality of the Congregation, in the mutual knowledge, in the sharing of the different agricultural, floricultural, fruit trees learners; respect and richness for the individual cultures, giving way to the unity in the richness of the values. We highlight the initiative of Guillermo Elías Peña Luz, one of our collaborators, to draw in a stone the face of Marie Poussepin, as a response to the work proposed by the commission of the Year of Grace.

We thank the General Government and the Year of Grace Commission for this opportunity to participate in the study, deepening and updating of the life and charism of our Founder.