Tegucigalpa (Honduras), 01/08/2018, Sr. Marta Inés Toro.- January 2, 2018 has been a very special day for the USA Vice Province with the establishment of a new community in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
The Congregation has been present in Honduras since 2001 when we came to Guaimaca as part of a Diocesan team from Fall River, Massachusetts. On February 11, 2014, we started having an extension of the Guaimaca Community in Tegucigalpa. This experience, although demanding and challenging, has been very enriching for all of us who have been part of it. Now, after almost four years, it is a joy to have a second community in Honduras, in Las Casitas, Tegucigalpa. The mission of the community is parish ministry, human promotion and the formation of our candidates.
Sr. Vimala Vadakumpadan prepared a very meaningful prayer service to symbolize the journey lived up to this moment as well as what it means to be a community in the Congregation. It was truly a day of joy, thanksgiving and hope for all of us present and for the other communities of the Vice Province. We certainly felt the prayers and support of the General Government and of many other sisters throughout the Congregation.
We trust the intercession of Blessed Marie Poussepin as the sisters of the two communities continue to root the Charism in Honduras
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