Guadalupe: Authentic Leadership Workshop. "Sisters united together"

on 18 May, 2018
Hits: 3459

México, 05/18/2018, Sr. Evelyn Guadalupe Córdova.- In order to practice an "Authentic Leadership" it is necessary to make conscious what beliefs have arisen throughout our life because they shape a large part of our behavior and relationships in a consciously or unconsciously way. In this way we started the Authentic Leadership workshop lived in the Province of Guadalupe on May 4th and 5th of this year, facilitated by Cesar Lozano Vazquez and Enrique De la Vega, Masters in Human Development. They have accompanied the Province in a process of personal growth through their prudence, simplicity and fraternity.

The purpose of this workshop was "to strengthen the authentic leadership of the sisters, in order to motivate searching a joint service within the Congregation and also with the brothers and sisters with whom we share our life and mission". The first part of the workshop was focused on a personal review to appreciate the importance of healing our history to be free women who are ready to accompany others in freedom. To be an authentic leader is being in tune constant with my feeling and my thinking for making decisions consciously for the sake of sisters and brothers.


We reflected and evaluated ourselves from the Leadership Styles: Democratic and Participatory, Autocratic and Let-be-Letting-doing leaderships. We concluded that in our daily life we exercise all three according to people and circumstances. However, regardless of the leadership we exercise, we must always keep in mind the needs of the people with whom we work. Also, we should seek teamwork, accomplishment of objectives looking for the common good being aware of ourselves and our own history in order to manage the leadership style that we need.

We thank God that through these experiences He is helping us to walk as a Province towards a style of fraternal relationships that will lead us to accomplish our Foundress' wish "to be an assembly of sisters united together" (R.I). This phrase was the background of our workshop.

