Presentation’s Alumnæ Grand Celebration of Talent

on 24 May, 2018
Hits: 3012

Bogotá (Colombia), 05/25/2018, Sr. Matilde Beltrán Velásquez.- The National Organization of the Presentation’s Alumnæ (ONAEP), presided by the engineer Rosalbina García Durán, has taken as a goal to open ways of real encounter among the Colombian alumnæ in the various Provinces, with the purpose of greater closeness and solidarity, participation and growth in the sense of belonging to the grand Presentation Family.

In order to strengthen our identity, fraternity and solidarity as alumnæ, the Provinces of Bogotá and Santafe, aided by Sr. Magdalena of the Presentation and Sr. Matilde Beltrán V., and with local groups, met regularly to organize a day of joy and leisure.

The gathering was called: “Presentation’s Alumnæ Grand Celebration of Talent”. The date for the event was May 5, at the school’s colosseum in Sans Façon; with suggestions from the local groups the program was put together to go from 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m: A time of introductions and acknowledgements was followed by the Eucharist, which was sung by the Choir of students from the Tunja School. The Eucharist was offered for the all the Alumnæ, the Sisters and the whole faculty.

The display of talents, artistic, cultural and gastronomic with their valuable contributions from near and far followed subsequently. Present for the occasion were alumnæ from the areas of Luna Park (Bogotá), Girardot, Duitama, Chiquinquirá, Soatá, Fusagasugá, Zipaquirá, Ubaté, Facatativá, Fátima (Bogotá), Ferias (Bogotá), Sogamoso, Fómeque y Sans Façon (Bogotá). Stellar presentations from each musical and dance group, from typical Colombian to afro-contemporary, arabic and dance soloists and groups, to theater and the fine arts of painting, all great talent bringing delight and joy to mind and heart.

We’re short of words to describe this wonderful event which gave us the opportunity to reunite once again, to share as family of the Presentation, the charism left to us by our beloved Mother Marie Poussepin and to attest that the teachings we received, which have made us into the persons we are, able to execute responsibilities in our various vocations and professions; as expressed by one of the alumnæ: “the life of each one of us has taken many turns, however, in each situation and occasion we try to mirror God’s love and the love of neighbor in our words and actions, because we learnt it at school.”

May the Lord, through the intercession of Our Lady and of Blessed Marie Poussepin, allow us to continue with the commitment to unite our efforts to strengthen our family ties with the Presentation in Colombia, which calls each one of us to a special effort of solidarity to forge the culture of encounter and of peace through love and service of the most needed. 

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