Blessing of the remodeled areas of Bogota’s “casa central”

on 26 Jun, 2018
Hits: 3704

Bogotá (Colombia), 22/06/2018, Hna. Adriana Marcela Rojas Rodríguez.- On the evening of June 21, as part of the celebration of the 145th year of the Sisters presence in Colombia, the Provincial Government, the communities of the ‘Casa Central’ and some sisters from nearby communities got together for the blessing of the remodeled areas of the house.

Sr. Fanny Yolanda Barrantes, Provincial Superior, introduced the architect who designed the remodeling project, as well as the team who did the construction work and the auditors who followed the progress of the project. A recount of the history of the house helped the participants to understand that the house was at various times an answer to the needs of the moment, and that today it continues to add vigor to the life of the sisters, so they may return re-strengthened to their places of mission. A video-presentation of chronicles of the sisters in Colombia followed. Then, Father Miguel González, a Passionist priest, blessed each of the renovated places. The blessing of the tabernacle, where the Reserved Blessed Sacrament had been placed, was a particularly moving moment of the ceremony, because of the joy of everyone recognizing the importance of this magnificent gift. 

The Sisters of the Province of Bogotá thank all those who participated in this important renovation for everyone’s wellbeing.





145th year of the Sisters presence in Colombia