The Youth has Word to say! Meeting of Preparation for Perpetual Vows for Latin America and the Caribbean

on 26 Jul, 2018
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Villaclara, Manizales (Colombia), 07/18/2018, Sisters of Perpetual Vows Meeting.- Since the 14th of June to the 14th of July, 2018, eleven sisters belonging to the structures of Bogota, Bucaramanga, Los Andes, Medellin y Santafé, enjoyed the provident presence of God who led the to drink from the sources of the Charism to project in perpetuity their passionate service to humanity, centered in Christ, within the Congregation and in the Church, to live and die at the service of Charity.

The Province of Manizales, “Province of open doors”, was the host of this meeting that from Villa Clara, house of the Interprovincial Novitiate for Latin America and the Caribbean, offered the best of itself to facilitate an experience of evaluation, strength, and projection that allowed each sister participating in the meeting to contemplate her consecrated life with the Lords eyes and dispose herself with liberty and responsibility to assume the implications of Perpetual Profession.

The work itinerary was inspired by C.1 and was developed at different times by the Provincial Sisters of Colombia and some invited lay people. In the same way, the fraternity and joy expressed in the community outings, the visits to the local communities and the fun moments of recreation, were propitious spaces to experience the presence of the living and risen Christ, which becomes a new life for the whole Congregation.

The young sisters of Latin America and the Caribbean know that being a Dominican Sister of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin today, is worthy. And they believe deeply in the help of the grace of God to revitalize the charism and restructure the Congregation by being faithful to the Lord and to the Intuition of Marie Poussepin. These eleven sisters today reaffirm their commitment to take this path hand in hand with all and each one of the sisters of the Congregation, both old and young because they believe that the Charism is still alive, and this generation corresponds to assume this historic moment with evangelical gallantry. There is no reason to be afraid, because the congregational history is rich in testimonies of the courage with which the sisters have taken on the challenges that have been presented to them, and today, the young women of Latin America and the Caribbean want to continue writing the story of Marie Poussepin, "where the Church calls us and our brothers need us" C.60.

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