Retreat at the Mother House

on 19 Aug, 2018
Hits: 3007

Tours (France), 08/01-08/2018, Sr. Marie Christine Cousin.- A Small itinerary of the retreat on the Book of Jonah which is a short, magnificent story. To speak of God, to speak to God and to speak with God who speaks to us. The Word of God is always a Word that makes us on the go. “See”, “Get up and walk”, a Word of mercy.

But what does this small story reconfirm me? The Word of mercy for the inhabitants of the city of Nineveh, a city of doom, God desires to save it, but Jonah does not want to understand. God manifests Himself being always open to Jonah; He calls him ceaselessly; tries to make him understand his mission; however, at first, Jonah understands this mission without really living it. Jonah knows things of God; he speaks of God; but he does not enter into relationship with Him; he closes in on himself; he justifies without stopping and looks for death. If we think that Jonah was converted in the belly of the whale, the response is ‘no’! He always had been centered on himself, with bad humor till the end.

Our Christian life is not founded on effort alone, but, if founded on an interior desire, this desire comes from God and enables us to be open to the Infinite God who comes to touch our finite being.

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