Beatification of the Abbot Fouque: The Church witnesses today of the charity

on 22 Oct, 2018
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Port-au-Prince (Haiti), 10/20/2018, sr. Ana Patricia Londoño.-  The charitable roads of Abbot Jean Baptiste Fouque and of the daughters of Marie Poussepin had already crossed in Marseille (France) from the beginning of the 20th century, when the charitable priest asked Sisters to the Superior General of the Dominicans of the Presentation of Tours, to manage some of his works, including Saint Joseph’s Hospital.

The legacy of Charity of Abbot Fouque and Marie Poussepin is still present today on Haitian soil, where the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation have built the Missionary Center and the St. Joseph Hospital Foundation which has become the largest contributor at the economic and logistical level of one of the projects of the same Missionary Center: the Pediatric Center. For this reason Sisters Ángela María Vélez, Provincial Superior of the Province of Medellín, Gloria Luz Villegas, Provincial Treasurer and Ana Patricia Londoño, Director of the Pediatric Center, traveled to France, accepting the invitation to the beatification of Abbé Fouque. They were accompanied by Sister Maria Escayola, Superior General, Sr. Véronique Margron, Provincial Superior of France, Sr. Dominique du Christ, Archivist of the Congregation, and many other sisters of the Province of France, some who had experience of the mission at Saint Joseph Hospital.

The celebration took place on September 30, at the Marseille Cathedral, where the now Blessed Jean Baptiste Fouque, better known as the "San Vicente de Paul of Marseille' was Vicar for many years. "The sobriety of the celebration, the beauty of the music, the massive participation of faithful and clergy, the emotional memory of the concrete and always current charity of the Blessed, the kind gestures of the members of Saint Joseph’s Hospital Foundation towards the Dominican Sisters of the presentation of Tours (as we continue to be called) were prominent notes of the celebration.

We thank God for the generous service of our sisters for 60 years in Saint Joseph Hospital, which has allowed these bonds of solidarity for the benefit of the poorest and most vulnerable to continue to be woven today. May the Blessed Marie Poussepin and Jean Baptiste Fouque continue to watch over the most needy and for those who consecrate their lives to their service.

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