Bangalore: Marie’s Soup Kitchen

on 13 Mar, 2020
Hits: 3025

Indiranagar, Bangalore (India), 03/12/2020, Community of Dourdan.- To mark the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the beatification of our Mother Foundress Blessed Marie Poussepin, the social apostle of charity the Province of India being true to the call of the Gospel to live love of God expressed in mercy towards neighbor, specially the poor, has begun a Soup Kitchen at Dourdan Community, Bangalore under our social work project ‘PATH’.

Become poor with the poor, at the service of the poor. Only the one who has experienced their suffering can in truth, announce the Gospel


Marie’s Soup KitchenMarie’s Soup Kitchen Sr. Vinitha, Sr. Deepha and Sr. AnnieSr. Vinitha, Sr. Deepha and Sr. Annie

‘PATH’ (Poussepin Any Time Help) was born during the Second Provincial Chapter in 2013. The vision of this project was to reach out to the needy and distressed especially in Bangalore through our timely intervention. This dream born out of the charity was once again became a reality on February 22, 2020, as we opened the doors of ‘PATH’ for the hungry on the streets of Indiranagar, Bangalore. “I was hungry, you gave me food, enter into the home of my father” (Mt: 25:35). Marie’s Soup Kitchen was inaugurated by the Provincial Superior Sr. Deepa Moonjely and on the first day itself 30 people came to satisfy their hunger.

KFC circle, Indiranagar which is a very crowded business hub, where Dourdan community is situated has a metro station and a bus stand. There are many people in that area selling flowers and other articles on the street for daily living. Some beggars also beg around there. So, having Marie’s Soup Kitchen at the centre of the city is an easy access for the poor people to walk in. The lunch which includes rice, gravy curry, egg, salads and Rasam (made out of spices and tamarind) is served daily. The Soup Kitchen is open Monday to Saturday from 12 noon to 2 p.m. An average of 30 people is fed each day. Some big-hearted sponsors and volunteers already have come forward to help. 

We consider that the beginning of Marie’s Soup Kitchen is a great opportunity to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the beatification and to live charity which is the fundamental spirit of Blessed Marie Poussepin. We thank God for the gift of her for whom charity was the rule of life. This also paves the way to respond to the call of Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore to celebrate 2020 as the year of the poor.