“In love and compassion for our common home”

on 29 May, 2021
Hits: 1805

Manizales (Colombia), Laudato Si' Week - May 2021, Interprovincial Novitiate, Villa Clara.- We recognize that the commitment to care for our common home involves each and every one of us, human beings, created to care, protect and collaborate in God's creative action. What kind of a world do we want to leave for those who come after us, to the children who are growing up? What are our actions?

With the desire to respond to the urgent call that Pope Francis makes to us in "Laudato Si" to give concrete answers to the ecological crisis, we undertook some small actions, which we have been carrying out in the community and that contribute to the care of our common home, taking advantage of the place where we live, which has a large area surrounded by nature:

  • It gave us an opportunity to study and reflect on the encyclical Laudato Si, to deepen on different topics regarding the care of our common home.
  • We have learned to cultivate the land, have our own organic garden and make bio-composting with the organic waste that comes out of our kitchen.
  • We recycle and take care of the water, collecting rainwater and use it for different chores around the house.
  • We prepared some plastic bottles and gave them to the neighbors with message from the encyclical.
  • We organized a Webinar. This became a space of joy, encounter and fraternity allowing us to share our knowledge and experience, especially with those who wanted to connect with us and with the planet.

We are convinced that every small gesture to protect nature and its resources will have a positive effect on and for the planet.

Novices in the Villa Clara vegetable garden and Sr. Irma collecting rainwater.Novices in the Villa Clara vegetable garden and Sr. Irma collecting rainwater.

Novice Mercedes with pots for the neighbors and Novice Diana in the webinar.Novice Mercedes with pots for the neighbors and Novice Diana in the webinar.