Barcelona: on the synodal journey...

on 04 Jun, 2022
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Barcelona (Spain), 05/29/2022, Srs. Gemma Morató and Conchi García.- On May 29, at the Marist School "La Inmaculada" in Barcelona, more than 700 people gathered to celebrate the closing of the diocesan phase of the Synod in Barcelona. This meeting marks the end of the first phase of a process initiated by Pope Francis in October 2021.

More than seven hundred people gathered on May 29 for the closing ceremony of the diocesan phase of the Synod, presided over by Cardinal Archbishop Juan José Omella.

Hnas. Conchi, Viviane, Gemma y Tatiana con el cardenal-arzobispo de Barcelona, Juan José OmellaHnas. Conchi, Viviane, Gemma y Tatiana con el cardenal-arzobispo de Barcelona, Juan José OmellaFour Dominican Sisters of the Presentation attended and we enjoyed the fraternity and sharing of so many religious, lay people, priests and children who participated. The universal Church was reflected in this small/large number of people who gave voice and presence to the whole Church of the diocese.

The co-responsibility of the laity in the Church, the role of women and the use of an intelligible language for society. These are some of the challenges that have been compiled in a document of synthesis elaborated from all the contributions made by the different synodal groups of the diocese of Barcelona that during this course have worked with the will to listen to the Spirit, to reflect on the synodality in the Catholic Church.

This synodal journey, which has begun for the first time in the Church, has three phases: one diocesan (October 2021-August 2022), another continental (September 2022-March 2023) and the last universal (October 2023) that will culminate in Rome with the Synod of Bishops, where all the experiences and testimonies of this broad synodal journey will be gathered. Hence the title given to this entire journey: "For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission".

The synthesis document of the diocesan phase in Barcelona refers to a Church that promotes the role of the laity, encouraging their effective involvement in the life of communities and groups, and of the diocese. In this sense, special mention is made of the real and effective recognition of the equality and dignity of all the baptized, especially women. Some contributions ask for the possibility that they assume an active role in the ecclesial life and "to advance in the reflection on their access to the diaconate and, if magisterially possible, to the presbyterate". Likewise, there is a commitment to promote the different lay ministries, along the lines of the recent one of the catechist, and the institution of those that are found to be necessary.

It also insists on the need to use "an ecclesial language used at any level, which is simple and clear, in accordance with the times in which we live, understandable to everyone".

The next milestone of this synodal journey will take place on June 11 in Madrid, where the diocesan leaders of the Synod of the seventy Spanish dioceses will meet to share the different contributions.

The glossary of the Synod

  • SYNOD: The path that all the baptized, members of the People of God, walk together. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life; we Christians, at the beginning, were called the disciples of the way.
  • SYNODALITY: We all "walk together", we gather summoned by the Lord and, impelled by the Spirit, we commit ourselves to proclaim the Gospel: it is the particular style that qualifies the life and mission of the Church.
  • DISCERNMENT: The lived synodality includes an evangelical discernment carried out by "recognizing/seeing", "interpreting/judging" and "choosing/acting" in order to arrive at a shared pastoral decision between faithful and pastors, which helps to discover the will of God in concrete situations.
  • COMMUNION: Together we live rooted in the love and unity of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Inspired by listening to the Word of God and strengthened by the Eucharist, we all have a role in discerning and living God's call to his people.
  • PARTICIPATION: This is the point that makes synodality stronger, since it is based on Baptism, which makes it possible that in the Church all the components of the People of God - laity, consecrated persons and pastors - are co-responsible for the communion and mission of the Church.
  • MISSION: As a Church "going forth", since the Church exists to evangelize and witness to the love of God in the midst of the human family, especially in the spiritual and social peripheries of our world.

Sínodo diocesano Barcelona (España)Sínodo diocesano Barcelona (España)