“Happy are you because you believed”. Religious Profession in Honduras

on 08 Jun, 2022
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Guaimaca (Honduras), 06/08/2022, Sr. Slendy Johana Manrique.- “These words inspired by the Holy Spirit and proclaimed by Elizabeth to Mary at the Visitation, came to life again in the wonderful sign of Religious Profession of our Sister Ana Selenia Torreglosa Hernandez of the Vice Province of the United States. A triple joy filled us all in this Feast. The joy of the encounter, the joy of believing, and the joy of service.

• The joy of the Encounter...

Called as Religious Sisters, and as God’s People, we celebrated the Eucharist at Saint Rosa the Lima Parish, in Guaimaca, Honduras at 3:00 PM. Fr. Alex Ruiz, our Parish Pastor was the celebrant. The Students of the Marie Poussepin Center animated the celebration with their voices and love. Thus the atmosphere was one of deep joy. All those present, Sisters, Lay Associates, Teachers, Volunteers of the dispensary, Students, and Parishioners, were witnesses of the strength of the call that we live in Community.

• The Joy of Believing...

During the Eucharistic Celebration Fr. Alex emphasized three qualities of our Lady. Humility, readiness, and joy. These were possible because of just one reason: Mary’s faith in God’s project. Sister Ana Selenia, like Mary, has believed, and expressed her faith in God’s project. This is something that does not always happen in our times. It is a project that is realized in God’s time, and with two essential characteristics: Love and Freedom.

• Service...

On May 31st, 2022, on the Feast of our Lady of the Visitation, our Sister said Yes. A Yes that in her inner-self she had been living and God has replied with an eternal, faithful Yes. Through our Sister Ana Selenia, by her consecration lived and celebrated in unity, we are all reminded that God has believed in us and that our response is lived in the exercise of charity. That the strength of the Holy Spirit, may our witness to true fraternity become an attraction and call for many women today. May we continue bringing to wherever we are called the message and person of Jesus, our Lord.