Successful Session of the UCM Superior Council

on 16 Nov, 2022
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Manizales          (Colombia),       11/16/2022,        Communicatios UCM.-  On November 9 was held a new session of the Superior Council of the Universidad Catolica de Manizales (UCM) was held, in which a series of important decisions were reviewed for the year 2023 and a review of compliance with the Institutional vision and mission.

The Superior Council is the highest administrative and decision-making body that exists in the UCM. To this belong the Superior General of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, María Escayola Coris; UCM President, Elizabeth Caicedo; the Archbishop of Manizales, José Miguel Gómez; Sister Martha Lucía Andrade Morales, Provincial Superior of Manizales; as well as the Provincial Superior of Medellín, Sister Angela María Vélez Restrepo.

This session was attended for the first time by two new members of the Superior Council, Sister Gloria Patricia Corredor, from the Province of Bogotá and Sister Mery Moreno, Counselor of Education of the Province of Bogotá; who were appointed by the Superior General of the Congregation, Sister María Escayola Coris.

For Sister Gloria Patricia Corredor, this is a strong moment of union thanks to the results that she considers very positive, since the organizational contributions and projection of the University were verified. She points out that each of the items on the day's agenda were developed in a very punctual and in-depth manner, which leaves its members with hope and confidence in an administration that is doing things well.

Sister Mery Moreno indicated that this designation is a joy as a Religious, as belonging to the Congregation and as an educator, to be able to witness in a more direct way all the processes that take place in the University. In turn, she receives it as a great responsibility to be able to contribute directly to the comprehensive personalizing and liberating training project.

Also as permanent members of the Council are the Provincial Superior of Medellín, Sister Ángela María Vélez Restrepo; Provincial Superior of Santafé de Bogotá, Sister Nidia Beatriz Mesa Navarrete; the Provincial Superior of Bogotá, Sister Pastora Marín Vásquez; the Provincial Superior of Bucaramanga, Sister Waldina Benavides Cruz; the Provincial Treasurer of Manizales, Sister Diana Lucía Rivera and the Provincial Counselor of Education of Manizales, Sister Blanca del Tránsito Segura Rodríguez.

The General Secretary of the UCM, three representatives of the Manizales society, two representatives of both professors and students and one representative of graduates also belong to the estate.

As permanent guests were also present UCM Directors, Sister María Amanda Tangarife Rodríguez, Administrative and Financial Vice Chancellor; Sister Gloria Estela Rolón Díaz, Academic Vice Chancellor; Sister Aurora Cañas Montagut, Vice-Rector for Welfare and

University Pastoral Care. There are also the Director of Evaluation and Planning, the Director of Quality Assurance and the Administrative and Financial Director.

The Superior Council, being the highest instance of the Universidad Católica de Manizales, makes its decisions taking into account all the members of the University Community, our Students, Professors, Graduates and Collaborators, thinking of a project of love that aims at the excellence.