Meeting of JPIC general coordination

on 01 May, 2024
Hits: 927

Aconcagua, 05/01/2024, Sr. Sandra Segovia Gallardo, JPIC delegate.- Our first online meeting of the year 2024 for the JPIC delegates from different structures was held on April 17 via Zoom, where 23 representatives from different structures convened.

The meeting proceeded as follows: Sr. Jacintha Gracy Miranda, the general coordinator of JPIC welcomed and expressed her happiness. We then proceeded with a prayer centered on the plea for peace, welcoming the cries of the poor and of the earth, especially concerning climate change.

Next, we welcomed the presentation of each structure, valuing the journey made by the sisters in this service of JPIC, and extending a welcome to those who are beginning in this mission. JPIC delegates from 9 structures except Los Andes and 2 communities under the General Government in Philippines, presented their strengths, difficulties and prospective for the future.

Sr. Jacintha discussed JPIC plan-2024 concerning writing articles on the web-page, preparing prayers, formation (LS Animators by LS movement and JPIC promoters’ workshop by JPIC- Roma), celebrations (LS week and Season of Creation 2024). She also insisted on reporting and documentation, to continue strengthening this congregational option, giving continuity to the work carried out in each structure and at a general level.
Considering new delegates, she reminded about organizations that facilitate our mission: JPIC -Roma, UISG (Union International Superior Generals-Female), USG (Union Superior Generals- Male) highlighting its history and the support it provides at all levels. She explained about LS Movement, recognizing LS Action Platform (LSAP) as an instrument of animation, formation, and communication within Church, especially given impulse by Pope Francis. She emphasized need to continue encouraging spread of these valuable possibilities in our structures. We were invited us to reflect on how we can continue to work together, organize at the working group level, disseminate our JPIC and LS initiatives in LSAP, and continue to promote networking.

Regarding the suggestions of delegates, it was expressed that we are living in a time of transition in some provinces that have experienced restructuring. Therefore, it would be beneficial to proceed gradually until second session of chapter assemblies, which will receive the invitation of the next general chapter. It was suggested to create a commission for each structure and to have link persons for JPIC in each community and to formulate a JPIC-plan for 2024. Gratitude was expressed for the journey traveled, and it was decided to continue with the language working groups, as well as these coordination and formation meetings.We were invited us to make JPIC a way of life, a transversal axis of our mission, inviting all the sisters and laypeople.We acknowledged service carried out by the delegates of each structure, visualized in variety of expressions of Charity in different missionary presences.

Sr. Jacintha ended by thanking all those who had been able to participate in this meeting and all work done by the delegates, Sr. Mariamma Paul as general councilor, and the team of translators. Thank you, sisters, for so much shared life!