Temporary and Perpetual Vows and Silver Jubilees of Our Sisters

on 25 Sep, 2024
Hits: 404

Dassasgho (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso), September 14, 2024, Sr. Viviane Compaore.- This is the day that the Lord has acted; let it be our joy and our delight, Hallelujah! Two consecutive days of festivities in the Vice-Province of Africa are being celebrated in thanksgiving for the religious professions of some of our sisters. Indeed, the entire Vice-Province sings the wonders of the Lord for so many blessings: He has deemed it fit to increase the number of Sisters even more through the first religious profession on Friday, September 13, 2024.

There were four novices from Burkina Faso.
  • SEOGO Andrienne Emmanuela,
  • SAWADOGO Mireille Athanasie,
  • COMPAORE Adeline Wendémi.

They made their first vows to follow Christ, wishing to live the charism of charity of Blessed Marie Poussepin. The celebration took place in the chapel of the novitiate in Dassasgho (Ouagadougou) with the participation of many sisters, as well as some family members of the newly professed who came to pray with and for them.

In the same spirit, two sisters pronounced their perpetual vows at the parish church of Our Lady of Fatima in Dassasgho on Saturday, September 14, the day we celebrate the Glorious Cross. These are Sisters Augustine ILBOUDO and Félicité OUEDRAOGO. They declared their definitive "yes" to live and die in service to the Church in the exercise of Charity.

During the same Eucharistic celebration, after twenty-five years of following Christ in the footsteps of Saint Dominic and Marie Poussepin, two sisters also renewed their commitment, celebrating their silver jubilees. Sisters Nicole KABORE and Chantal COULIBALY rejoice in 25 years of God’s grace and faithfulness toward them, giving thanks to the Lord for all His blessings and wonders in their lives.

Together with all our sisters, the entire Vice-Province, the whole Congregation, and the respective families of our sisters, we thank God for all that the Lord does in each of our lives, especially for the gift of vocation and for His faithfulness to our sisters, the Vice-Province, and the entire Congregation.

Following in the footsteps of Marie Poussepin and Saint Dominic, we continue to implore the Lord to send many, and above all, holy vocations to His Church.