60th anniversary of Abraham House

on 25 Sep, 2024
Hits: 477

Jerusalem, 09/14/2026, Sr. Rosario Garcés.- La Maison d'Abraham is a former French Benedictine monastery built in 1903 and originally used as a seminary for the Syro-Catholic Eastern Church. In 1963, the Patriarch of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church called Monsignor Jean Rodhain, President of Secours Catholique and Caritas Internationalis, to ask him to build a Cité-secours in Jerusalem to welcome poor pilgrims from the Middle East.

A year later, at the request of Pope Paul VI, the property was entrusted to Secours Catholique - Caritas France to welcome pilgrims of all religions from the Middle East and around the world, particularly the most destitute.

And now, for almost 60 years, the House of Abraham continues to welcome pilgrims and travellers of all religions who wish to discover the Holy Land and rest in a haven of peace and greenery. Abraham's House is also committed to welcoming local and international communities and associations working for peace and development in Israel and Palestine.

On this jubilee, Sr Véronique Margron, Prioress Provincial of Europe, travelled to Jerusalem to visit the community of sisters who share the mission and to bring along Sr Diana Dolorita, who will be part of it.

In the context of the war that the country is experiencing, the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the House was sober, but at the same time it showed the determination of the commitment of those who work in this institution.

The celebration began with the blessing of a new ‘Pilgrims of Hope Way’, located along the terraces facing the Old City of Jerusalem. It is a route made up of fifteen stations on the theme of hospitality, faith and charity. It begins with a representation of Abraham welcoming three people and ends with Jesus washing the feet of his apostles.

This initiative received special mention in the letter that Pope Francis sent to Didier Duriez, President of Secours Catholique, asking him ‘to be a sign of hope that will awaken in the hearts of the people and leaders of this region feelings of peace, so that they may resolutely commit themselves to the path of sincere and lasting reconciliation’.

During the mass that followed, Mgr. Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, President of the Bishop Conference of France, echoed this wish: ‘We pray that justice and peace may come to dwell in the hearts of men and inspire the conduct of States. Here in this house, pilgrims and travellers from all over the world are welcomed’.

A meal shared with 300 guests and friends was followed by a concert of instrumental music by the Palestinian trio, “Gheilan”.

 60º aniversario de la Casa Abraham 60º aniversario de la Casa Abraham