Preaching Justice

on 18 May, 2016
Hits: 3939

Roma (Italia), 05/14/2016, General Government.- "Preaching Justice. Volume II. Contributions of Dominican Sisters to Social Ethics in the Twentieth Century." Is the title of the book that was presented on May 13, 2016 at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, in the celebration of the eighth centenary of the confirmation of the Order. The book, published in English, presents 22 articles of different experiences of Dominican Sisters in 26 countries. This second volume is a continuation of one already presented on the experience of preaching justice of the Friars in 2007. Our Congregation participated in this effort through Srs. Beatriz Alicia and Maria Leonor Charria Angulo; the title of their article is: "The Dominican Charism lived with and from the perspective of the poor. Where there is life, there is still hope!" It is in the section E, named: "Building a new vision."

Book coverBook coverIn the book presentationIn the book presentationThe article share the life experience in the neighborhood “el Arroyo” and in surrounding areas of Altos de Cazuca - Soacha Cundinamarca - Colombia. During a long journey of about 15 years, this project accompanied the people of this area in situations of marginalization and exclusion. In a short presentation, the authors of the articles were introduced to the gathering and the following was the manner by which they presented our sisters:

“Twin sisters from Colombia who are also both Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, have combined missionary life with academic work in the accompaniment and support of highly marginalized and impoverished people. In the light of the Word of God, this has given new sense and meaning to their life and vocation as Preachers.”

The article concludes by affirming a series of experiences and learning:

  • Our presence among the poor has worked as the leaven hidden in the dough. We are called to render Gospel values ever more visible through our commitment to the poor through our work in favour of justice.
  • The Word of God, read, shared, prayed and celebrated, in and from this reality, maintains and animates our journey.
  • It is necessary to enter into dialogue with reality, to pay attention to the ‘signs of the times’, in order to perceive what is urgent. Our operative words must be insertion, inculturation and ecclesial harmony.

Nonetheless, we frequently experience our own smallness and our own weaknesses, especially while confronted with the huge challenges that call into question our ability to respond adequately to the mission that has been entrusted to us. It is only with the support of these two key elements of our religious life that we will be able to carry on faithfully Jesus’ project: the coming of the Kingdom amongst us.

Learning music we are happyLearning music we are happySrs. Beatriz Alicia y María Leonor Charria Angulo: We enjoy what we are and liveSrs. Beatriz Alicia y María Leonor Charria Angulo: We enjoy what we are and liveThe joy with usThe joy with usArroyo little childrenArroyo little children